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You may like to use the "resilient" mode to recover from and conceal such errors. Kakadu Core Error: One or more corrupted block bit-streams detected. Kakadu Core Warning:  x=#@/@@?p@@@@@p@@@@@??@@@??@@ @?@ 8# hJ$#P+pF K'block decoder ,-5-?OFInsufficient implementation precision available for true reversible processing! 9Kakadu Core Error: @0PZPPp!0(!9H>" Q?block encoder  XXX?F?The ROI shift (`Rshift' attribute) which you are using is too large to ensure truly lossless recovery of both the foreground and the background regions, at least by Kakadu -- other compliant implementations may give up much earlier. You might like to consider using the `Rweight' attribute instead of `Rshift' -- a 32x32 code-block size (not the default) is recommended in this case and `Rweight' should be set to around 2 to the power of the `Rshift' value you would have used.You have selected too small a value for the ROI up-shift parameter. The up-shift should be at least as large as the largest number of magnitude bit-planes in any subband; otherwise, the foreground and background regions might not be properly distinguished by the decompressor.Insufficient implementation precision available for true reversible compression!  b qvKakadu Core Warning: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: H"؋#p% 3! ! !"#$%&'()*+.&  !"#$%&'()*+,--. ! !"#$%&'()*+.&  !"#$%&'()*+,--.%x%d%x%u@@?v5.2.6>U>vb?Ys˿Unable to find ATK marker segment referenced from within an COD/COC or MCC marker segment. 'KcoeffsKstepsKstepsKstepsKstepsKstepsKreversibleKextensionKsymmetricKakadu Core Error: ATK0x><SOCSOTSODSOPEPHEOCSIZCBDMCTMCCMCOCODCOCADSDFSATKQCDQCCRGNPOCCRGCOMTLMPLMPLTPPMPPT (wCode-stream must contain a valid SIZ marker segment, immediately after the SOC marker! X)X4Kakadu Core Error: Code-stream must start with an SOC marker!Kakadu Core Error: *`You may not use the output form of `kdu_codestream::restart' if the code-stream management machinery was originally created using anything other than the output form of `kdu_codestream::create'.You may not use the `kdu_codestream::restart' function unless `kdu_codestream::enable_restart' was called after the code-stream management machinery was first created. +~Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error:  VCode-stream must contain a valid SIZ marker segment, immediately after the SOC marker!You may not use the input form of `kdu_codestream::restart' if the code-stream management machinery was originally created using anything other than the input form of `kdu_codestream::create'.You may not use the `kdu_codestream::restart' function unless `kdu_codestream::enable_restart' was called after the code-stream management machinery was first created.  ,Kakadu Core Error: Code-stream must start with an SOC marker!Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: You cannot use the `kdu_codestream::share_buffering' function if the codestream object which will be sharing another codestream's buffering has already allocated some internal resources. 0Kakadu Core Error: You may not call `kdu_codestream::enable_restart' after opening the first tile. 0Kakadu Core Error: You may only set the codestream object into its "persistent" mode prior to opening the first tile. h1Kakadu Core Error: ?ClevelsCODAttempting to impose too small a limit on the number of code-stream bytes. "kdu_codestream::set_max_bytes" may not be called multiple times. h2Q bytes is insufficient to accomodate even the main header!Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: The range of apparent image components supplied to `kdu_codestream::apply_input_restrictions' is empty or illegal!The range of apparent output image components supplied to `kdu_codestream::apply_input_restrictions' is empty or illegal!You may not apply restrictions to the resolution or number of image components after the first tile access, unless the codestream object is set up to be persistent.You may apply restrictions to the resolution or number of image components only after closing all open tiles.The `kdu_codestream::apply_input_restrictions' function may not be invoked on codestream objects opened for output (i.e. for compression). 5!""%#Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: You may not change the apparent geometry of the code-stream after the first tile access, unless the codestream object is set up to be persistent.You may change the apparent geometry of the code-stream only after closing all open tiles. 7)T*Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Attempting to access a tile which has already been discarded or closed! H8c,Kakadu Core Error: 8-When generating code-stream output incrementally, each call to `kdu_codestream::flush' must provide the same number of quality layer specifications. X9n0Kakadu Core Error: You have set the byte limit too low. All compressed data would have to be discarded in the call to `kdu_codestream::trans_out'! (:8Kakadu Core Error: @@ p:HAA :fBThe compressed data buffer server is being destroyed before all size accounting associated with fixed data structures has been completed. This is most likely due to a bug in the memory accounting logic used for dynamic cache management.The compressed data buffer server is being destroyed before all allocated buffers have been returned. The problem is most likely connected with a bug in the code-block destruction code. <DlDKakadu Core Warning: Kakadu Core Warning: Attempting to load cached tile header data from a compressed data source which does not appear to support caching. It is possible that the source has been incorrectly implemented. =TRKakadu Core Error: Attempting to seek inside a compressed data source which does not appear to support seeking. The source may have been implemented incorrectly.Attempting to load cached precinct packets from a compressed data source which does not appear to support caching. It is possible that the source has been incorrectly implemented. X?TQWKakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: ?_Encountered one or more marker codes in the range 0xFF30 to 0xFF3F. These are to be ignored. @@iigTgl, found in code-stream.Unrecognized/unimplemented marker code, Kakadu Core Warning: Skipping over corrupt SOP marker code!Kakadu Core Warning: Skipping over corrupt SOT marker code!Kakadu Core Warning: Disregarding non-terminal EOC marker.Kakadu Core Warning: Kakadu Core Warning: Found multiple PPM/PPT marker segments with identical Zppt/Zppm indices within the same header scope (main or tile-part header)! HBoo0qKakadu Core Error: PPM/PPT marker segments must be at least 3 bytes long!Kakadu Core Error: Insufficient packet header data in PPM marker segments, or else Nppm values must be incorrect!Encountered malformed PPM marker: 4-byte Nppm values may not straddle multiple PPM marker segments. Problem is most likely due to a previously incorrect Nppm value. C]rrtKakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Insufficient packet header data in PPM marker segments!Kakadu Core Error: Insufficient packet header data in PPM marker segments, or else Nppm values must be incorrect! Eu6wKakadu Core Error: Insufficient packet header data in PPM marker segments!Kakadu Core Error: Attempting to write TLM (tile-part length) data where one tile-part's length cannot be represented as an unsigned 32-bit value.  FzKakadu Core Error: Attempting to invoke `kd_tlm_generator::write_final_tlms' with a compressed data target which does not support repositioning. F}}Kakadu Core Error: Found multiple TLM marker segments with identical Ztlm indices within the main header! GQUKakadu Core Error: TLM marker segments must be at least 6 bytes long!Kakadu Core Error: TLM marker segments contain one or more illegal lengths (< 14 bytes). Proceeding with incomplete tile-part length information.Illegal TLM marker segment data encountered in main header. An illegal tile number has been identified, either explicitly or implicitly (through the rule that missing tile identifiers are legal only when tiles appear in order with only one tile-part each).Malformed TLM marker segment encountered in main header. Segment length is inconsistent with the number of bytes used to represent pointer info for each tile-part. J)ۄKakadu Core Warning: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Illegal Stlm field encountered in TLM marker segment!Kakadu Core Error: Malformed PLT marker segment encountered in tile-part header. Segment terminates part of the way through a multi-byte packet length specification!Unexpected change in coding parameters or packet sequencing detected while parsing packet length information in PLT marker segments. While this is not illegal, it is highly inadvisable. To process this code-stream, open it again with file seeking disabled!There appears to be a problem with the PLT marker segments included in the input code-stream. The PLT marker segments encountered so far do not have sufficient length information to describe the lengths of all packets in the tile-parts encountered so far. To process this code-stream, you will have to open it again, with file seeking disabled.PLT marker segments appear out of order within one or more tile-part headers. While this is not illegal, it is highly inadvisable since it prevents immediate condensation of the pointer information by efficient parsers. To process this code-stream, you will have to open it again, with file seeking disabled. OXKakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: PorderCorderClayersKakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Unexpected change in coding parameters or packet sequencing detected after parsing packet length information in PLT marker segments. While this is not illegal, it is highly inadvisable. To process this code-stream, open it again with file seeking disabled! hQKakadu Core Error: CorderPorderClayersTile-part holds some but not all the packets of a precinct for which PLT information is being used to extract precinct addresses for random access. In particular, the current tile has its packets sequenced so that all packets of any given precinct appear consecutively and yet a tile-part boundary has been inserted between the packets of a precinct. While this is not illegal, it indicates very poor judgement in the placement of tile-part boundaries. To process this code-stream, you will have to open it again with file seeking disabled.Unexpectedly ran out of packet length information while processing tile-parts. Most likely cause is that PLT marker segments are malformed, incomplete, or do not appear until after the packets whose lengths they describe. All of these conditions are violations of the standard! T"Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Attempting to use a spatially progressive packet sequence where position order dominates component order. This is illegal when the component sub-sampling factors are not exact powers of 2!Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). In a Profile-0 code-stream, the first progression specification found in the first POC marker segment of the main or any tile header may not describe a progression which starts from resolution or component indices other than 0. HWͣKakadu Core Error: CorderCODKakadu Core Warning: PorderPorderPorderPorderPorder are insuffient to cover all packets for the tile!Supplied progression order attributes for tile Kakadu Core Error: PorderPorderPorderPOC XZMmatrix_coeffs?Mmatrix_coeffsMmatrix_coeffs?Mtriang_coeffsMtriang_coeffs????2*n^WLSAlthough not strictly illegal, the present Part-2 codestream contains insufficient information to determine the dimensions of all image components output by the multi-component transform, based on main header marker segments. The fact that this is not illegal is almost certainly an oversight in the development of the Part-2 syntax, but Kakadu cannot work with such codestreams.The last stage of the multi-component transform may not produce more output components than the number specified in the CBD marker segment (i.e. the `Mcomponents' value).Multi-component transform does not satisfy the constraints imposed by Part 2 of the JPEG2000 standard. The first transform stage must touch every codestream image component (no more and no less), while subsequent stages must touch every component produced by the previous stage.Multi-component transform stage contains multiple transform blocks which provide different definitions for the same stage output component., corresponding to the total number of coefficients required to describe the irreversible decorrelation transform or reversible SERM transform in question -- note that reversible transforms are described by M*(M+1) coefficients, where M is the number of input (or output) components.Unable to access the matrix parameters identified by an `Mstage_xforms' parameter attribute. Specifically, there should be an `Mmatrix_size' attribute, with instance index , corresponding to the total number of coefficients in the lower triangular matrix which describes the dependency transform in question. For irreversible dependency transforms, the matrix should not contain any diagonal entries. For reversible dependency transforms, however, all but the first diagonal entries should also be included, as normalization factors for the integer predictors.Unable to access the matrix parameters identified by an `Mstage_xforms' parameter attribute. Specifically, there should be an `Mtriang_size' attribute, with instance index Except for irreversible matrix-based decorrelation transforms, all multi-component transform blocks described by the `Mstage_blocks' and `Mstage_xforms' parameter attributes must produce exactly one output component for each of their input components., corresponding to the number of output components produced by the multi-component transform block in question.Unable to access the offset parameters identified by an `Mstage_xforms' parameter attribute. Specifically, there should be an `Mvector_size' attribute, with instance index Multi-component transform blocks must each have a strictly positive number of inputs and outputs, as identified by the `Mstage_blocks' parameter attribute. (starting from 0) in the multi-component transform for some tile (or in the main header). Either the `Mstages' attribute contains insufficient entries, or no `Mstage_blocks' attribute exists with the instance identifier provided by `Mstages'. @YKakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: and value Kakadu Core Error: Mmatrix_size and value Kakadu Core Error: Mtriang_sizeKakadu Core Error: and value Kakadu Core Error: Mvector_sizeMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_outputsMstage_outputsMstage_inputsMstage_inputsKakadu Core Error: Mstage_collectionsMstage_collectionsMstage_collectionsMstage_collectionsUnable to access the description of stage Kakadu Core Error: Mstage_collectionsMstage_collectionsMstagesMCTMCCMnum_stagesMCO h?8t {   3$vO*!Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). Profile-0 code-streams must either be untiled or else the tile dimensions must be exactly 128x128. Try setting "Sprofile" to 1 or 2 or avoid using tiles.Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). Profile-0 code-streams must have image and tiling origins (anchor points) set to zero. Try setting "Sprofile" to 1 or 2.Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). Component sub-sampling factors for Profile-0 code-streams are restricted to the values 1, 2 and 4. Try setting "Sprofile" to 1 or 2.Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). Profile-1 code-streams must either be untiled or else the horizontal and vertical tile dimensions must be identical (square tiles on the hi-res canvas). You might like to set "Sprofile" to 2 or avoid using tiles.Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). If a Profile-1 code-stream is tiled (has multiple tiles), the width and height of its tiles, projected onto any given image component, may not exceed 1024. You might like to set "Sprofile" to 2 or avoid using tiles.Maximum number of allowable tiles is 65535 for any JPEG2000 code-stream. You have managed to exceed this number!!No information available concerning component sub-sampling factors.No information available regarding whether components are signed or unsigned.No information available concerning component sample bit-depths (i.e., sample precision).Illegal canvas coordinates: the first tile is required to have a non-empty intersection with the image on the high resolution grid. hKakadu Core Warning: Kakadu Core Warning: Kakadu Core Warning: Kakadu Core Warning: Kakadu Core Warning: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: SsamplingSsamplingKakadu Core Error: SsignedKakadu Core Error: SprecisionKakadu Core Error: Stile_originStile_originStilesStilesSoriginSoriginSsizeSsizeScomponentsSprofileThe `Mcomponents' parameter attribute must assigned a non-zero value if and only if the `MCT' flag is present in the `Sextensions' attribute. rMsignedMprecisionKakadu Core Error: McomponentsSextensions (su$CdecompCODCRGoffsetCRGoffsetCRGThe fragment region supplied to `kdu_codestream::create' represents too many tiles, allowing for the number of tiles indicated for previously generated fragments.The fragment region supplied to `kdu_codestream::create' is empty.The fragment region supplied to `kdu_codestream::create' does not correspond to a whole number of tiles. Check your dimensions again, remembering to take account of any non-zero tile or image origin. pu(,))Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: You must close all open tile interfaces before calling `kdu_codestream::restart'. Xv.Kakadu Core Error: v1?Attempting to run rate-control simulation on a precinct for which one or more packets have already been written to the code-stream. Problem is most likely caused by trying to use the incremental code-stream flushing feature with one of the progression orders, LRCP or RLCP. wRAKakadu Core Error: ??Unable to generate the TLM marker segments requested via the `ORGgen_tlm' parameter attribute. The reason for this is that the total number of tile-parts whose lengths would need to be represented exceeds the amount of data which can legally be stored in the maximum allowable 256 TLM marker segments, allowing for 6 bytes per tile-part length value.Unable to generate the TLM marker segments requested via the `ORGgen_tlm' parameter attribute. The reason for this is that the logical compressed data target supplied by the application does not appear to support rewriting (i.e., seeking). We need this to reserve space for the TLM marker segments up front and later overwrite the reserved space with valid tile-part lengths.Using the `kdu_codestream::generate_codestream' function in an illegal manner. The `max_layers' argument may not exceed the maximum number of layers which are being sized. The problem may have arisen from an incorrect use of the incremental code-stream flushing capability. X|U66Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Calls to `kdu_resolution::open_precinct' are permitted only with interchange codestream objects (i.e., those which have neither a compressed data source nor a compressed data target). 69Kakadu Core Error: The precinct you are trying to access via `kdu_resolution::get_precinct_packets' is no longer available, probably because you already fully accessed its visible contents, causing it to be recycled. (?Kakadu Core Error: A?Attempting to open the same code-block more than once for writing!You are permitted to open each code-block only once from an open tile before closing that tile. If the codestream object is marked as persistent, you may re-open code-blocks only after re-opening their containing tiles. sPAUKakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Attempting to open the same code-block more than once for writing! h/\Kakadu Core Error: a Пf i: >> New attributes for tile : >> New attributes for tile @?hw}H|ԁKǃe ՛Illegal colour transform specified when image has insufficient or incompatible colour components.Precinct partition dimensions too small! Must not be so small that the induced code-block partition becomes smaller than 1 sample wide or 1 sample high within any subband.Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). The "Rshift" attribute may not exceed 37, except in Profile-2 (the unrestricted profile).Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). Profile-0 code-streams may have multiple precincts only in those tile-component resolutions whose dimensions are greater than 128x128.Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). Profile-0 and Profile-1 code-streams must have sufficient DWT levels to permit extraction of a low resolution image which is no larger than 128x128. Try setting a larger value for "Clevels" or else set "Sprofile" to 2.Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). Part-1 code-streams must have their coding origin (anchor point) set to 0. A non-zero coding origin is legal only in JPEG2000 Part 2; set `Sprofile=PART2' to avoid this warning message.Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). Profile-0 code-streams must have nominally square code-block dimensions, measuring 32x32 or 64x64. You should set "Sprofile" to 1 or 2.Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). Profile-0 code-streams may not use the BYPASS, RESET or CAUSAL block coder mode switches. You should set "Sprofile" to 1 or 2.Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). Profile-1 code-streams may not have code-block dimensions larger than 64. You should set "Sprofile" to 2.Tile-components which are compressed using the irreversible processing path must have quantization parameters specified in the QCD/QCC marker segments, either explicitly, or through implicit derivation from the quantization parameters for the LL subband, as explained in the JPEG2000 standard, ISO/IEC 15444-1. The present set of code-stream parameters is not legal. `QCD:RGNKakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Cband_weightsKakadu Core Warning: RshiftRweightQguardQabs_rangesQabs_stepsClev_weightsKakadu Core Warning: Kakadu Core Warning: CprecinctsCprecinctsKakadu Core Warning: Kakadu Core Warning: Kakadu Core Warning: Kakadu Core Warning: CweightRlevelsKakadu Core Error: Qabs_stepsQderivedCatkCmodesCblkCblkCuse_precinctsCkernelsCreversibleClevelsORGgen_pltORGtpartsClayersCalign_blk_lastCalign_blk_lastCyccCuse_ephCuse_sopORGRGNQCDCOD@?Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). The "Rshift" attribute may not exceed 37, except in Profile-2 (the unrestricted profile).Tile-components which are compressed using the irreversible processing path must have quantization parameters specified in the QCD/QCC marker segments, either explicitly, or through implicit derivation from the quantization parameters for the LL subband, as explained in the JPEG2000 standard, ISO/IEC 15444-1. The present set of code-stream parameters is not legal.Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). Profile-0 code-streams may have multiple precincts only in those tile-component resolutions whose dimensions are greater than 128x128.Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). Profile-0 and Profile-1 code-streams must have sufficient DWT levels to permit extraction of a low resolution image which is no larger than 128x128. Try setting a larger value for "Clevels" or else set "Sprofile" to 2. =9Kakadu Core Warning: RshiftRweightQguardQabs_rangesQabs_stepsRlevelsKakadu Core Error: Qabs_stepsQderivedRGNQCDKakadu Core Warning: Kakadu Core Warning: QCD:RGN: >> New attributes for tile QCD:RGN nYou must close a tile before you can re-open it.Kakadu Core Error: gv}k~_Found non-marker code while looking for SOD marker to terminate a tile-part header. Chances are that a marker segment length field is incorrect!Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). PPT marker segments may not appear within a Profile-0 code-stream. You should set "Sprofile" to 1 or 2. is identified by different non-zero values in different SOT markers for the tile!Corrupt SOT marker segment found in codestream: tile-number lies outside the range of available tiles derived from the SIZ marker segment.Found non-marker code while parsing tile header marker segments. Chances are that a marker segment length field is incorrect!You cannot use PPM or PPT marker segments (packed packet headers) with cached compressed data sources.  Use of both PPM and PPT marker segments is illegal!Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Warning: POCCODThe number of tile-parts for tile number Kakadu Core Error: in code-stream!Missing or out-of-sequence tile-parts for tile number Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: . Expected SOT marker and got Invalid marker code found in code-stream! Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Length of current tile-part exceeds the maximum value which can be represented by the 32-bit length field in the SOT marker! You will have to split the code-stream into smaller tile-parts -- see the "ORGtparts" parameter attribute.Cannot satisfy the request to generate PLT marker segments! There are so many packets in one tile-part that it is beyond the capacity of the maximum 256 marker segments to represent length information for all tile-parts!!Attempting to generate tile-part data without first determining packet lengths. This may be a consequence of incomplete simulation of the packet construction process.Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). In a Profile-0 code-stream, all first tile-parts of all tiles must appear first, in exactly the same order as their respective tile numbers.. The maximum number of tile-parts per tile has been fixed by the `ORGgen_tlm' parameter attribute to Ȼw3Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Warning: . No tile may have more than 255 parts.Too many tile-parts for tile Kakadu Core Error: .Too many tile-parts for tile Kakadu Core Error: -C6???@v/?bX9?A`"??? X hCdecompYou may not currently flush compressed code-stream data without completing the compression of all code-blocks in all precincts of all tiles. P?(Kakadu Core Error: V97=Q@???AB EF, found while reading packet body. Try re-opening the image with the resilient mode enabled.Exhausted PPM/PPT marker segment data while attempting to parse a packet header!Packet header contains a representation which is not strictly illegal, but unreasonably large so that it exceeds the dynamic range available for our internal representation! The problem is most likely due to a corrupt or incorrectly constructed code-stream. Try re-opening the image with the resilient mode enabled.Illegal inclusion tag tree encountered while decoding a packet header. This problem can arise if empty packets are used (i.e., packets whose first header bit is 0) and the value coded by the inclusion tag tree in a subsequent packet is not exactly equal to the index of the quality layer in which each code-block makes its first contribution. Such an error may arise from a mis-interpretation of the standard. The problem may also occur as a result of a corrupted code-stream. Try re-opening the image with the resilient mode enabled.Illegal number of missing MSB's signalled in corrupted tag tree. The value may not exceed 74 in any practical code-stream or any legal code-stream which is consistent with profile 0 or profile 1. Try re-opening the image with the resilient mode enabled., found while reading packet header. Try re-opening the image with the resilient mode enabled.Exhausted PPM/PPT marker segment data while attempting to parse a packet header!Use the resilient option if you would like to try to recover from this error.Out-of-sequence SOP marker found while attempting to read a packet from the code-stream! Use the resilient option if you would like to try to recover from this error.Illegal marker code found while attempting to read a packet from the code-stream! x e=Џ[>Џ<EPacket body terminated with an FF!Kakadu Core Error: Illegal marker code, Kakadu Core Error: instead.Expected to find EPH marker following packet header. Found Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Illegal marker code, Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: . , but expected Found sequence number Kakadu Core Error: . Illegal marker code is Kakadu Core Error: Encountered a corrupted packet while using packet length information to access the compressed data source in a random access fashion. To process corrupted code-streams in an error resilient manner, you must disable seeking on the compressed data source (i.e., force sequential access) as well as enabling the resilient parsing mode. GKakadu Core Error: Heap exhausted. Unable to allocate sufficient memory for code-block state information. KKakadu Core Error: L  ȸ n >U>vb?Ys˿Illegal DWT kernel ID used to construct a `kdu_kernels' object. 1BThe W9X7 kernel may not be used for reversible compression!Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: H>???????%x%u  nKakadu Error: XH .; "; id= context="Details: Consult vendor for more information Untranslated error -- p 8Kakadu Warning: xt Z  0 1%(v0$.%x%d%fE?? WAbsolute quantization step sizes must be strictly positive.Kakadu Core Error: String translators in code-stream attribute specifications must be identified with integers and correctly delimited! Problem encountered atString translators in code-stream attribute specifications may not exceed String translators in code-stream attribute specifications must contain an '=' sign! Problem encountered at ! ".: "Kakadu Core Error: ".: " characters in length! Problem encountered atKakadu Core Error: ".: "Kakadu Core Error: "." or "", Expected one of the identifiers, ", separated by `|' symbols." or "", Expected one or more of the identifiers, ??  pQabs_rangesQabs_rangesCdecompCkernelsKcoeffsKstepsKstepsKstepsKstepsKsteps LQabs_stepsQabs_stepsCdecompCkernelsKcoeffsKstepsKstepsKstepsKstepsKstepsCall to `kdu_params::link' specifies the same cluster name, tile and component indices as an existing linked object, which does not support multiple instances.Call to `kdu_params::link' specifies a different number of tiles or components to the number with which the first parameter object of the same class was linked.Illegal tile or component indices supplied to `kdu_params::link'. Probably attempting to specialize a parameter object to a specific tile or component, where the parameter class in questions does not support tile or component diversity. X'()Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Illegal attempt to modify a `kdu_params' object which has already been marked!Trying to use `kdu_params::copy_from' to copy an object which is not a cluster head, or to copy to another object which is not the head of its cluster.Trying to use `kdu_params::copy_from' to copy an object to one which has been derived differently. +w,h.Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Illegal attempt to modify a `kdu_params' object which has already been marked!Trying to use `kdu_params::copy_all' to copy an object which is not a cluster head, or to copy to another object which is not the head of its cluster.Trying to use `kdu_params::copy_all' to copy an object to one which has been derived differently. h_11)3Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: N=Invalid `tile_idx' supplied to `kdu_params::check_typical_tile'. hm@Kakadu Core Error: Codestream contains a parameter marker segment with an invalid image component or tile index: parameter type is 0@D. [i.e., global] (starting from 0) component index is; [i.e., global] (starting from 0) tile number is"; "Kakadu Core Error: Attempting to access a floating point code-stream attribute field with the integer access method! The attribute name isAttempt to access a code-stream attribute, with an invalid field index! The attribute name isAttempt to access a code-stream attribute using the invalid name (ItJ}K". "Kakadu Core Error: .The field index is ". "Kakadu Core Error: "!, "Kakadu Core Error: Attempting to access a non-boolean code-stream attribute field with the boolean access method! The attribute name isAttempt to access a code-stream attribute, with an invalid field index! The attribute name isAttempt to access a code-stream attribute using the invalid name "OOP". "Kakadu Core Error: .The field index is ". "Kakadu Core Error: "!, "Kakadu Core Error: Attempting to access an integer code-stream parameter attribute field with the floating point access method! The attribute name isAttempt to access a code-stream attribute, with an invalid field index! The attribute name isAttempt to access a code-stream attribute using the invalid name TJUSV". "Kakadu Core Error: .The field index is ". "Kakadu Core Error: "!, "Kakadu Core Error: Attempting to set a floating point code-stream parameter attribute field with the integer access method! The attribute name isAttempting to set a boolean code-stream parameter attribute field with an integer not equal to 0 or 1! The attribute name isAttempting to set a code-stream attribute field using an integer value which does not match any of the defined translation values for the field! The attribute name isAttempting to set a code-stream attribute field using an integer value which is incompatible with the flags defined for the field! The attribute name isAttempt to set a code-stream attribute, with an invalid field index! The attribute name isAttempt to set a non-tile-specific code-stream attribute in a specific component! The attribute name is ZZ[`^`]\". "Kakadu Core Error: ". "Kakadu Core Error: ". "Kakadu Core Error: ". "Kakadu Core Error: .The field index is ". "Kakadu Core Error: ". "Kakadu Core Error: "!, "Attempt to set a code-stream attribute using the invalid nameKakadu Core Error: Attempting to set a non-boolean code-stream parameter attribute field with the boolean access method! The attribute name isAttempt to set a code-stream attribute, with an invalid field index! The attribute name isAttempt to set a non-tile-specific code-stream attribute in a specific component! The attribute name is Tbccd". "Kakadu Core Error: .The field index is ". "Kakadu Core Error: ". "Kakadu Core Error: "!, "Attempt to set a code-stream attribute using the invalid nameKakadu Core Error: Attempting to set an integer code-stream parameter attribute field with the floating point access method! The attribute name isAttempt to set a code-stream attribute, with an invalid field index! The attribute name isAttempt to set a non-tile-specific code-stream attribute in a specific component! The attribute name is fgjhti". "Kakadu Core Error: .The field index is ". "Kakadu Core Error: ". "Kakadu Core Error: "!, "Attempt to set a code-stream attribute using the invalid nameKakadu Core Error: yksupplied to the `kdu_params::set_derived' function.", , "Invalid attribute nameKakadu Core Error: l1oqs%sQukvvwx^z{|e~@cOU|Attempt to parse custom string representation failed. Read usage information carefully.Expected a boolean field identifier, i.e., one of "yes" or "no".refers to code-stream parameters which have already been parsed out of some string. Moreover, multiple instances of this attribute are not permitted here!Parameter values must be separated from the attribute name and optional location specifiers by an '=' sign!Attempt to set a non-tile-specific code-stream attribute in a specific component! Problem occurred while parsing the attribute stringIllegal attempt to modify a `kdu_params' object which has already been marked!You must supply an index specifier of the form "I" for this type of parameter.This type of parameter cannot be used with an index specifier (i.e., a specifier of the form "I").Tile specifiers following the the colon must have the form "T", while component specifiers must have the form "C" and index specifiers must have the form "I". There may be at most one of each! Parameter values must be separated from the attribute name and optional location specifiers by an '=' sign! Opening brace for record is not matched by a closing brace.". "Problem encountered at"! , "Malformed attribute stringKakadu Core Error: Expected a floating point field.". "Problem encountered at"! , "Malformed attribute stringKakadu Core Error: Expected an integer field.". "Problem encountered at"! , "Malformed attribute stringKakadu Core Error: ". "Problem encountered at"! , "Malformed attribute stringKakadu Core Error: ". "Problem encountered at"! , "Malformed attribute stringKakadu Core Error: noyes". "Problem encountered at"! , "Malformed attribute stringKakadu Core Error: ". "Problem encountered at"! , "Malformed attribute stringKakadu Core Error: Fields must be separated by commas.". "Problem encountered at"! , "Malformed attribute stringKakadu Core Error: Records must be enclosed by curly braces, i.e., '{' and '}'.". "Problem encountered at"! , "Malformed attribute stringKakadu Core Error: Attribute does not support multiple parameter records!"! , "Malformed attribute stringKakadu Core Error: Records must be separated by commas.". "Problem encountered at"! , "Malformed attribute stringKakadu Core Error: ", , "The supplied attribute stringKakadu Core Error: "! , "Malformed attribute stringKakadu Core Error: "., "Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: refers to a non-existent tile-component!", , "Attribute stringKakadu Core Error: "! , "Malformed location specifier encountered in attribute stringKakadu Core Error: "! , "Malformed location specifier encountered in attribute stringKakadu Core Error: "! , "Malformed location specifier encountered in attribute stringKakadu Core Error: is missing parameters: " "AttributeKakadu Core Error: White space characters are illegal!"! , "Malformed attribute stringKakadu Core Error: Attempting to textualize a code-stream parameter attribute, which has only partially been set! Error occurred in attribute yesno. of record in field " "Kakadu Core Error: ICT"kdu_params::describe_attribute" invoked with an invalid attribute identifier ՙ"., "Kakadu Core Error: Attempting to delete a non-existent attribute with "kdu_params::delete_unparsed_attribute". @Kakadu Core Error: Indicates the bit-depth of each MCT output component (see `Mcomponents' for a definition of "MCT output components"). If fewer than `Mcomponents' values are provided, the last supplied identifier is repeated indefinitely for all remaining components. [Compressors might be able to deduce this information from the image files supplied.]Indicates whether each MCT output component (see `Mcomponents' for a definition of "MCT output components") contains signed or unsigned sample values. If fewer than `Mcomponents' values are provided, the last supplied identifier is repeated indefinitely for all remaining components. [Compressors might be able to deduce this information from the image files supplied.]Number of image components produced at the output of the inverse multi-component transform -- during compression, you may think of these as original image comonents. In any event, we refer to them as "MCT output components", taking the perspective of the decompressor. The value of `Mcomponents' may be smaller than or larger than the `Scomponents' value, which refers to the number of "codestream image components". The codestream image components are supplied to the input of the inverse multi-component transform. Note carefully, however, that for Kakadu to perform a forward multi-component transform on image data supplied to a compressor, the value of `Mcomponents' must be at least as large as `Scomponents' and the inverse multi-component transform must provide sufficient invertible transform blocks to derive the codestream components from the output image components. In the special case where `Mcomponents' is 0, or not specified, there is no multi-component transform. In this case, `Scomponents', `Ssigned' and `Sprecision' define the output image components. [Defaults to 0. You must explicitly set a non-zero value for this attribute if you want to use Part-2 multi-component transforms. Compressors might be able to deduce this information from the input files, if they are aware that you want to perform a multi-component transform.]Indicates the dimensions (vertical, then horizontal) of each individual image component. The last supplied record is repeated indefinitely for all remaining components. [For compressors, the image component dimensions will normally be deduced from the image files supplied to the compressor, but may be explicitly set if raw input files are to be used.]Indicates the sub-sampling factors for each codestream image component. In each record, the vertical factor appears first, followed by the horizontal sub-sampling factor. The last supplied record is repeated indefinitely for all remaining components. [For compressors, a suitable set of sub-sampling factors will normally be deduced from the individual image component dimensions.]Indicates the bit-depth of each codestream image component. [For compressors, this will normally be deduced from the image files supplied to the compressor, but may need to be explicitly set if raw input files are to be used. Also, if you happen to be using the Part-2 multi-component transform capabilities, the precision of the original image components should be expressed by `Mprecision'; in this case, you will need to explicitly set `Sprecision' to reflect the bit-depth of the codestream image components produced after subjecting the original components to the forward multi-component transform. Note that the last supplied value is repeated indefinitely for all remaining components.]Indicates whether each codestream image component contains signed or unsigned sample values. [For compressors, this will normally be deduced from the image files supplied to the compressor, but may be explicitly set if raw input files are to be used. Also, if you happen to be using the Part-2 multi-component transform capabilities, the signed/unsigned attributes of the original image components should be expressed by `Msigned'; in this case, you will need to explicitly set `Ssigned' in a manner which reflects the signed/unsigned characteristics of the codestream image components produced after subjecting the original components to the forward multi-component transform. Note that the last supplied identifier is repeated indefinitely for all remaining components.]Number of codestream image components. [For compressors, this will normally be deduced from the number and type of image files supplied to the compressor. Note carefully, however, that if a multi-component transform is used, the number of codestream image components might not be equal to the number of `output image components' given by `Mcomponents'. In this case, the value of `Mcomponents' and the corresponding `Mprecision' and `Msigned' attributes should generally be associated with the image files being read (for compression) or written (for decompression).]Tile origin on the canvas: vertical coordinate first. [Defaults to {0,0}]Tile partition size: vertical dimension first. [Defaults to {0,0}]Image origin on canvas: vertical coordinate first. [Defaults to {0,0}, or the tile origin if one is given]Canvas dimensions: vertical dimension first. [For compressors, this will normally be derived from the dimensions of the individual image components. Explicitly supplying the canvas dimensions may be desirable if the source image files do not indicate their dimensions, or if custom sub-sampling factors are desired.]Logical OR of any combination of a number of flags, indicating extended features from Part 2 of the JPEG2000 standard which may be found in this codestream. Note that the Kakadu codestream generation machinery will set these flags automatically based on features which are detected in other parameter objects. Explanation: DC means arbitrary DC offset; VARQ means variable quantization; TCQ means trellis-coded quantization; PRECQ means precinct-dependent quantization; VIS means visual masking; SSO means single-sample-overlap transform; DECOMP means arbitrary decomposition styles; ANY_KNL means arbitrary transform kernels; SYM_KNL means arbitrary whole sample symmetric transform kernels; MCT means multi-component transform; CURVE means arbitrary point-transformation; and ROI means extended region-of-interest signalling. [Defaults to 0.][DC=1|VARQ=2|TCQ=4|PRECQ=2048|VIS=8|SSO=16|DECOMP=32|ANY_KNL=64|SYM_KNL=128|MCT=256|CURVE=512|ROI=1024]Flag indicating whether or not capabilities from additional parts (beyond parts 1 and 2) in the JPEG2000 family of standards are defined in a separate capabilities marker segment. [Defaults to false.]Restricted profile to which the code-stream conforms. The value must be an integer in the range 0 to 5, corresponding to the identifiers `PROFILE0', `PROFILE1', `PROFILE2', `PART2', `CINEMA2K' and `CINEMA4K'. PROFILE0 is the most restrictive profile for Part 1 conforming codestreams. PROFILE2 places no restrictions on the code-stream other than those restrictions defined in ISO/IEC 15444-1 (JPEG2000, Part 1). A value of 3 (`PART2') means that the codestream requires support for one or more features defined in ISO/IEC 15444-2 (JPEG2000, Part 2). If the system determines that support for Part 2 features is required, the profile will be set automatically to 3. Otherwise, the profile is not adjusted by Kakadu's codestream creation machinery. However, if the profile is found to be insufficient, the system will generate a warning at the point where it first encounters an inconsistency; this might not occur until near the end of the processing in certain rare circumstances. The `CINEMA2K' (4) and `CINEMA4K' (5) profiles were added later via an ammendment to Part 1. They are in fact highly restrictive subsets of the Part 1 standard, taylored for the needs of digital cinema projection equipment. These profiles are not currently checked for conformance, although that may well change in a future release. If you don't know what you are doing, therefore, you should not label a codestream which you compress yourself as having either of these profiles. [Defaults to Profile-2.](PROFILE0=0,PROFILE1=1,PROFILE2=2,PART2=3,CINEMA2K=4,CINEMA4K=5) H(MprecisionIMsignedBMcomponentsISdimsIISsamplingIISprecisionISsignedBScomponentsIStile_originIIStilesIISoriginIISsizeIISextensionsScapBSprofileSIZ9cIJeS%Illegal profile index. "Sprofile" must be in the range 0 to 5: Profile-0 is the most restrictive original Part-1 profile; Profile-2 is the unrestricted Part-1 profile; 3 means that the codestream conforms to Part-2 of the standard; 4 and 5 are for the restrictive Digital Cinema profiles, added by an ammendment to Part-1 of the standard.Problems trying to finalize SIZ information. Illegal tile origin coordinates. The first tile must have a non-empty intersection with the image region on the canvas. Available information is as follows: Problem trying to finalize SIZ information. Dimensions are inconsistent. Available information is as follows: Problem trying to finalize SIZ information. Vertical component dimensions and sub-sampling factors are incompatible. Available information is as follows: Problem trying to finalize SIZ information. Horizontal component dimensions and sub-sampling factors are incompatible. Available information is as follows: Problem trying to finalize SIZ information. Vertical canvas and image component dimensions are not compatible. Available information is as follows: Problem trying to finalize SIZ information. Horizontal canvas and image component dimensions are not compatible. Available information is as follows: Problem trying to finalize SIZ information Component dimensions are not consistent with a legal set of sub-sampling factors. Available information is as follows: Problem trying to finalize SIZ information. Must have either the image component dimensions or the canvas size! Available information is as follows: Problem trying to finalize SIZ information. Must have either the individual component dimensions or the component sub-sampling factors.Problem trying to finalize SIZ information Component sub-sampling factors are only partially available!Image component sub-sampling factors must be strictly positive!Problem trying to finalize SIZ information. Component dimensions are only partially available!Problem trying to finalize SIZ information. Insufficient data supplied to determine the number of image components! Available information is as follows: @)SextensionsSprofileCalign_blk_lastCalign_blk_lastKsymmetricATKCatkCdecompCdfsCadsCODMcomponentsSprofileKakadu Core Error: SprofileSprofileSextensionsSextensionsScapScap Kakadu Core Error: StilesStilesStilesStilesStile_originStile_originStile_originStile_origin Kakadu Core Error: SsizeSsize Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: SsamplingSsampling Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: SsizeSsize Kakadu Core Error: SdimsSdims Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: SsamplingSsamplingKakadu Core Error: SdimsSdims Kakadu Core Error: SdimsSsamplingSoriginSoriginSoriginSoriginSsizeSsizeSdimsSsamplingScomponentsCannot apply requested resolution reduction without creating a SIZ marker segment with illegal component sub-sampling factors. For the current code-stream, sub-sampling factors would be required which exceed the legal range of 1 to 255.Attempting to discard all of the components from an existing code-stream!Unable to copy SIZ parameters, unless all canvas coordinates are available. Try using `siz_params::finalize' before attempting the copy. 080MsignedMsignedMprecisionMprecisionSsamplingSsamplingKakadu Core Error: CdecompCdecompSsamplingSsamplingSsignedSsignedSprecisionSprecisionStile_originStile_originStilesStilesSoriginSoriginSsizeSsizeCdecompCdecompCODMcomponentsMcomponentsScomponentsKakadu Core Error: ScomponentsSextensionsScapSprofileKakadu Core Error: Stile_originStile_originStilesStilesSoriginSoriginSsizeSsizeSextensionsScapSprofile[czUnable to write CBD marker segment! Precision or signed/unsigned information missing for at least one MCT output component.Unable to write SIZ marker segment! Precision or sub-sampling information missing for at least one component.Illegal profile index. "Sprofile" must be set in the range 0 to 5; 3 is required if Part 2 features are to be used.Cannot write SIZ marker with illegal canvas coordinates. The first tile is required to have a non-empty intersection with the image region on the canvas.Error attempting to convert geometrically transformed canvas coordinates to legal marker ranges. Try using a smaller precinct size (you can use the transcoding utility to achieve this at the same time as geometric transformations.Attempting to write geometrically transformed SIZ marker information without attaching and finalizing all tile-component COD marker information. This is essential to establish canvas coordinate equivalence relationships.Illegal number of MCT output components, `Mcomponents'! Must be in the range 0 to 16384.Illegal number of image components! Must be in the range 1 to 16384.  @:. Legal range is from 1 to 38 bits per sample.Illegal precision for MCT output component, Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: MprecisionMsigned}. Legal range is from 1 to 255.,Illegal component sub-sampling factors, {Kakadu Core Error: . Legal range is from 1 to 38 bits per sample.Illegal image sample bit-depth, Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: SsamplingSsamplingSprecisionSsignedKakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: CprecinctsCprecinctsKakadu Core Error: Cuse_precinctsClevelsSsamplingSsamplingCODKakadu Core Error: McomponentsKakadu Core Error: Unable to write SIZ marker segment yet!Kakadu Core Error: ScomponentsStile_originStile_originStilesStilesSoriginSoriginSsizeSsizeSextensionsScapSprofileMcomponents 6 D b Malformed SIZ marker segment encountered. Marker segment is too small.Malformed CBD marker segment encountered. Marker segment is too small.  BCD DȔ ȔK Kakadu Core Error: bytes were not consumed!Malformed SIZ marker segment encountered. The final Kakadu Core Error: SsamplingSsamplingSprecisionSsignedScomponentsStilesStilesStile_originStile_originStilesStilesSoriginSoriginSsizeSsizeScapSextensionsSprofileInvalid SIZ marker segment encountered!Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: bytes were not consumed!Malformed CBD marker segment encountered. The final Kakadu Core Error: MprecisionMsignedMcomponentsCoefficients of the sub-triangular matrix, if any, whose number of elements is represented by the `Mtriang_size' attribute. The coefficients are arranged in row-major order. Thus, for a dependency transform with M inputs and outputs, the first coefficient (first two for reversible transforms) comes from the second row of the matrix, the next two (three for reversible transforms) comes from the third row of the matrix, and so forth. For reversible transforms, the coefficients must all have integer values.Identifies the total number of sub-triangular matrix elements, if any, represented by this object. A sub-triangular matrix is square, with no coefficients above the diagonal and at least one coefficient missing from the diagonal. A strictly sub-triangular M x M matrix will have M*(M-1)/2 coefficients, all below the diagonal. Matrices of this form are used to describe irreversible multicomponent dependency transforms. Reversible dependency transforms, however, include all but the upper left diagonal entry, for a total of M*(M+1)/2-1 coefficients. Dependency transforms are described by referencing the current attribute's instance index from the second field in each record of the `Mstage_xforms' attribute used to describe a multi-component transform stage. Thus, for example, "Mstage_xforms:I1={DEP,5,0,0,0}" declares that a given multi-component transform stage, having instance index 1, and one component collection, employs a dependency transform, whose coefficients are counted by `Mtriang_size:I5' and found in `Mtriang_coeffs:I5'.Coefficients of the vector, if there is one, whose number of elements is given by `Mvector_size'. Unlike `Mmatrix_coeffs' and `Mtriang_coeffs', this attribute is extrapolated if insufficient parameters are supplied -- that is, the last supplied value is replicated as required in order to provide all `Mvector_size' vector elements.Identifies the number of vector elements, if any, represented by this object. The actual vector coefficients are represented by the `Mvector_coeffs' attribute. Vectors are used to describe offsets to be applied to the component sample values after inverse transformation. This is done by referencing the current attribute's instance index from the third field in each record of the `Mstage_xforms' attribute used to describe a multi-component transform stage. Thus, for example, "Mstage_xforms:I1={MAT,1,4,0,0},{MAT,3,0,1,0}" declares that a given multi-component transform stage, having instance index 1, and two component collections, employs matrix transforms for both collections. The first collection also involves offsets, described via `Mvector_size:I4' and `Mvector_coeffs:I4', while the second collection does not use offsets. to understand the remaining fields in each record of the `Mstage_xforms' attribute, consult the separate description of that attribute.Coefficients of the matrix, if there is one, whose number of elements is given by `Mmatrix_size'. The coefficients appear in row-major order (first row, then second row, etc.). The height and width of the matrix are not recorded here, but matrices are not required to be square. For reversible transforms, the matrix coefficients are required to be integers.Identifies the number of matrix elements, if any, represented by this object. The actual matrix coefficients are represented by the `Mmatrix_coeffs' attribute. Matrices are used to describe reversible and irreversible inverse component decorrelation transforms. This is done by referencing the current attribute's instance index from the second field in each record of the `Mstage_xforms' attribute used to describe a multi-component transformation stage. Thus, for example, "Mstage_xforms:I1={MAT,1,4,0,0},{MAT,3,0,1,0}" declares that a given multi-component transform stage, having instance index 1, and two component collections, employs matrix transforms for both collections. The first collection's matrix is described by `Mmatrix_size:I1' and `Mmatrix_coeffs:I1', while the second collection's matrix is described by `Mmatrix_size:I3' and `Mmatrix_coeffs:I3'. To understand the last two fields in each record of the `Mstage_xforms' attribute, please refer to the separate description of that attribute. XW  Mtriang_coeffsFMtriang_sizeIMvector_coeffsFMvector_sizeIMmatrix_coeffsFMmatrix_sizeIMCTThe number of `Mmatrix_coeffs', `Mvector_coeffs' or `Mtriang_coeffs' entries found while finalizing MCT transform coefficients does not match the corresponding `Mmatrix_size', `Mvector_size' or `Mtriang_size' value.It is illegal to supply `Mvector_size', `Mtriang_size' or `Mvector_size' attributes with zero-valued instance indices (equivalently, with missing instance indices). Use the ":I=..." suffix when providing MCT transform coefficients.Illegal value (anything <= 0) found for `Mmatrix_size', `Mvector_size' or `Mtriang_size' attribute while finalizing the MCT transform coefficients.Failed to read all MCT marker segments in a series associated with a given `Imct' index within a main or initial tile-part header. Codestream is not correctly constructed. 0[ f   Kakadu Core Error: Mtriang_coeffsMvector_coeffsMmatrix_coeffsKakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Mtriang_sizeMvector_sizeMmatrix_sizeKakadu Core Error: Mtriang_coeffsMtriang_coeffsMtriang_sizeMtriang_sizeMvector_coeffsMvector_coeffsMvector_sizeMvector_sizeMmatrix_coeffsMmatrix_coeffsMmatrix_sizeMmatrix_size?8]\\Mvector_coeffsMmatrix_coeffsMtriang_coeffsMvector_sizeMmatrix_sizeMtriang_sizeMalformed MCT marker segment encountered. Marker segment is too small.Encountered out-of-order `Zmct' field while parsing MCT marker segments belonging to a series. While this is not strictly illegal, it makes no sense for a content creator to write MCT marker segments out of order. Kakadu does not currently support reordering of these optional Part-2 marker segments.Encountered repeat or out-of-range `Zmct' field while parsing an MCT marker segment. The `Zmct' field is used to enumerate marker segments which belong to a common series, but the value encountered is inconsistent with the rest of the series. This is a malformed codestream. 8`h`   x `Ȕ  bytes were not consumed!Malformed MCT marker segment encountered. The final Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Mtriang_coeffsMtriang_sizeMmatrix_coeffsMmatrix_sizeMvector_coeffsMvector_sizeThis attribute provides one record for each transform block, which describes the type of transform to be implemented in that block and the parameters of the transform. The first field identifies the transform as one of "dependency transform" (`DEP'), "decorrelation matrix transform" (`MAT'), or "discrete wavelet transform" (`DWT'). The 2'nd field of each record holds the instance index of the `Mtriang_coeffs' (for dependency transforms) or `Mmatrix_coeffs' (for decorrelation matrix transforms) attributes, which provide the actual transform coefficients, unless the transform is a DWT; in this last case the 2'nd field holds 0 for the 9/7 DWT, 1 for the 5/3 DWT, or the instance index (in the range 2 to 255) of an `ATK' marker segment whose `Kreversible', `Ksymmetric', `Kextension', `Ksteps' and `Kcoeffs' attributes describe the DWT kernel. The 3'rd field of each record holds the instance index of the `Mvector_coeffs' attribute which describes any offsets to be applied after inverse transformation of the input components to the block. A value of 0 for this field means that there is no offset; otherwise, the value must be in the range 1 to 255. For DWT transforms, the 4'th field in the record identifies the number of DWT levels to be used, in the range 0 to 32, while the final field holds the transform origin, which plays the same role as `Sorigin', but along the component axis. For dependency and decorrelation transforms, the 4'th field must hold 0 if the transform is irreversible, or 1 if it is reversible, while the 5'th field must hold 0.This attribute provides the values Nc and Mc which appear in the descriptions of `Mstage_inputs' and `Mstage_outputs', for each transform block (equivalently, each component collection), c. The `Mstage_blocks' parameter attribute should contain one record for each transform. Each record contains two strictly positive integers, identifying the number of input components Nk, and the number of output components, Mk, produced by the k'th transform. No transform may consume or produce 0 components. Between them, the various transform blocks must consume all components in the input list described by `Mstage_inputs' and produce all components in the output list described by `Mstage_outputs'.This attribute is used to describe a list of output component indices which are produced by this stage. This list of component indices is a concatenation of the index ranges -, -, ..., where An <= Bn are the first and second fields in the n'th record of the `Mstage_outputs' attribute. The list of output component indices may not contain any repeated component indices, but it may contain "holes". The transform stage is considered to generate components with indices from 0 to the largest index in the output list; any components in this range which are not listed (these are the holes) are taken to be identically equal to 0. The first transform block in the stage processes the first N1 components in the list to produces the first M1 components in the output list; the second transform block in the stage processes the next N1 components in the input list, producing the next M2 components in the output list; and so forth.This attribute is used to describe a list of input component indices which are used by all transform blocks in a single stage of the multi-component transform. This list of component indices is a concatenation of the index ranges -, -, ..., where An <= Bn are the first and second fields in the n'th record of the `Mstage_inputs' attribute. The list of input component indices may contain repeated values, but must cover all components produced by the previous stage (or all codestream component indices, if this is the first stage). In particular, it must always include 0. The first transform block operates on the first N1 components identified by this list; the second transform block operates on the next N2 components in this list; and so forth. q Mstage_xforms(DEP=0,MAT=1,DWT=3)IIIIMstage_collectionsIIMstage_outputsIIMstage_inputsIIMCC ! " I% % m( ( {) ) Malformed `Mstage_xforms' attribute encountered in `mcc_params::finalize'. The number of records in this attribute must be identical to the number of records in `Mstage_blocks'.Malformed `Mstage_xforms' attribute encountered in `mcc_params::finalize'. The fourth field in a DEP or MAT record must hold one of the values 0 (irreversible) or 1 (reversible), with the fifth field equal to zero.Malformed `Mstage_xforms' attribute encountered in `mcc_params::finalize'. The fourth field in a DWT record must contain a number of DWT levels in the range 0 to 32.Malformed `Mstage_xforms' attribute encountered in `mcc_params::finalize'. Each record must have 5 fields, the second and third of which must lie in the range 0 to 255.Malformed `Mstage_blocks' attribute encountered in `mcc_params::finalize'. The transform blocks must together consume all input components defined by `Mstage_inputs' (no more and no less) and produce all output components defined by `Mstage_outputs' (no more and no less).Malformed `Mstage_blocks' attribute encountered in `mcc_params::finalize'. Each transform block must be assigned a strictly positive number of input and output components.Illegal parameters supplied for `Mstage_outputs' attribute. Component index ranges must have lower bounds which do not exceed their corresponding upper bounds, both of which must be in the range 0 to 16383.Illegal parameters supplied for `Mstage_inputs' attribute. Component index ranges must have lower bounds which do not exceed their corresponding upper bounds, both of which must be in the range 0 to 16383. rKakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Mstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsKakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Mstage_collectionsMstage_collectionsKakadu Core Error: Mstage_outputsMstage_outputsKakadu Core Error: Mstage_inputsMstage_inputsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_collectionsMstage_collectionsMstage_collectionsMstage_collectionsMstage_outputsMstage_outputsMstage_outputsMstage_outputsMstage_inputsMstage_inputsMstage_inputsMstage_inputsUnable to write MCC (Multi-component transform Component Collection) marker segment, since the amount of information is too large to fit within a single marker segment. The codestream syntax for this Part-2 marker segment allows the information to be split across multiple marker segments, but this feature is not yet implemented in Kakadu -- it is a rare application indeed that should need this. }I6 Mstage_outputsMstage_outputsMstage_inputsMstage_inputsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_collectionsMstage_collectionsKakadu Core Error: Mstage_xformsMstage_outputsMstage_outputsMstage_inputsMstage_inputsMalformed MCC marker segment encountered. Marker segment is too small.Malformed MCC marker segment encountered. Invalid component collection dimensions, transform type or number of DWT levels.Encountered MCC (Multi-component transform Component Collection) information which has been split across multiple marker segments. While this is not illegal, Kakadu does not currently support such massive multi-component transform descriptions. It is a rare application indeed that would need multiple marker segments. 8> uD E _F PȔE  bytes were not consumed!Malformed MCC marker segment encountered. The final Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Mstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsKakadu Core Error: Mstage_collectionsMstage_collectionsMstage_outputsMstage_outputsMstage_outputsMstage_outputsMstage_inputsMstage_inputsMstage_inputsMstage_inputsKakadu Core Error: Provides `Mnum_stages' records, each of which holds the instance index (in the range 0 to 255) associated with the `Mstage_inputs', `Mstage_outputs', `Mstage_blocks' and `Mstage_xforms' attributes which describe the corresponding stage in the inverse multi-component transform procedure. The last stage is the one which produces the final decompressed components described by `Mcomponents', `Msigned' and `Mprecision'.Identifies the number of stages in the multi-component transform to be applied to this tile, or (for main header attributes) as a default for tiles which do not specify the `Mnum_stages' attribute. If this value is 0, the spatially transformed codestream components associated with the relevant tile are mapped directly to the output components specified via the global `Mcomponents', `Msigned' and `Mprecision' attributes. If `Mcomponents' is larger than `Scomponents', some final components are automatically set to 0. Where the number of stages is 0, codestream components which are identified as unsigned by the `Ssigned' attribute are first offset (at least nominally) by half their dynamic range, in the usual fashion. If, on the other hand, `Mnum_stages' specifies a non-zero number of transform stages, component offsets must be provided by the multi-component transform stages themselves. It is worth noting that the above description applies to inverse transformation (synthesis) during decompression. For a discussion of the conditions under which an appropriate forward transform can be performed during compression, see the description of the `Mcomponents' attribute. [This attribute defaults to 0 if a non-zero `Mcomponents' value exists, indicating the presence of a multi-component transform.] pG MstagesIMnum_stagesIMCOThe number of records supplied for the `Mstages' attribute must match the value identified by `Mnum_stages'.You may not provide a value for the `Mnum_stages' attribute without also supplying a non-zero number of MCT output components via the `Mcomponents' attribute. OI I Kakadu Core Error: MstagesMnum_stagesKakadu Core Error: Mnum_stagesMcomponentsSIZUnable to modify the existing multi-component transform to work with a reduced number of codestream image components during transcoding. Cannot create a taylored null transform to interface the components, since all allowed MCC marker segment instance indices have been used up already. @L MstagesMstagesMnum_stagesMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_collectionsMstage_collectionsMstage_outputsMstage_outputsMstage_outputsMstage_outputsMstage_outputsMstage_outputsMstage_inputsMstage_inputsMstagesKakadu Core Error: Mstage_inputsMCCScomponentsScomponentsSIZSIZMnum_stagesCannot write MCO marker segment; `Mnum_stages' value exceeds the limit of 255. 0R MstagesMstagesMstagesMnum_stagesKakadu Core Error: Mnum_stagesMalformed MCO marker segment encountered. Marker segment is too small. U SV  Ȕ?V Kakadu Core Error: bytes were not consumed!Malformed MCO marker segment encountered. The final Kakadu Core Error: MstagesMnum_stagesHolds the lifting coefficients, Cs[n]. The first L0 records describe the coefficients of the first lifting step. These are followed by the L1 coefficients of the second lifting step, and so forth. The Ls values are identified by the first field in each `Ksteps' record. Lifting step s may be described by X_s[2k+1-p] += TRUNC(sum_{Ns<=n 0] , Cband_weightsFClev_weightsFCweightFCmodes[BYPASS=1|RESET=2|RESTART=4|CAUSAL=8|ERTERM=16|SEGMARK=32]CblkIICprecinctsIICuse_precinctsBCatkICkernels(W9X7=0,W5X3=1,ATK=-1)CreversibleBCdecompCCdfsICadsIClevelsICalign_blk_lastBBCorder(LRCP=0,RLCP=1,RPCL=2,PCRL=3,CPRL=4)Cuse_ephBCuse_sopBClayersICyccBQCDCODIllegal `Ckernels' value found while finalizing a COD/COC marker segment. Reversible processes must use the W5X3 kernel, while irreversible processes must use the W9X7 kernel, unless you have explicitly identified a different (Part-2) kernel, via the `Catk' attribute.Illegal ATK instance index found when finalizing a COD/COC marker segment. Legal values are in the range 2 to 255.Unable to access the `Kreversible' attribute associated with the `Catk' index found while finalizing a COD/COC marker segment. The value of the `Catk' index isDFS table index encountered while finalizing COD/COD marker segment information does not refer to accessible DFS (Downsampling Factor Styles) information.ADS table index encountered while finalizing COD/COD marker segment information does not refer to accessible ADS (Arbitrary Decomposition Styles) information., detected by coding parameter sub-system; legal code-streams may have no more than 32 DWT levels in any given tile-component., detected by coding parameter sub-system; legal code-streams may have no more than 16384 quality layers. 0މ Ì 2 '  }  Cuse_precinctsCuse_precinctsCuse_precinctsCprecinctsCyccCyccSsamplingSsamplingSprecisionCreversibleMcomponentsSIZCyccCmodesCmodesCblkCblkCblkKakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: CkernelsCkernelsCreversibleCreversibleCreversibleCreversible Kakadu Core Error: KreversibleATKCkernelsCkernelsCreversibleCreversibleCreversibleCreversibleCatkCatkCkernelsCkernelsCatkCreversibleCkernelsCatkCatkCatkCdfsCdfsCadsCadsCdecompCdecompKakadu Core Error: DFSKakadu Core Error: ADSCdfsCadsCadsCadsCadsCdfsCdfsCdfsCdecompClevelsIllegal number of DWT levels, Kakadu Core Error: ClevelsCalign_blk_lastCalign_blk_lastCalign_blk_lastCorderCorderCuse_ephCuse_ephCuse_sopCuse_sopClayersIllegal number of quality layers, Kakadu Core Error: ClayersAttempting to discard too many resolution levels! Cannot discard more resolution levels than there are DWT levels. 9 Cband_weightsCband_weightsClev_weightsClev_weightsCweightCweightCprecinctsCprecinctsCprecinctsCprecinctsCprecinctsCprecinctsCprecinctsCprecinctsCmodesCmodesCblkCblkCblkCblkCuse_precinctsCuse_precinctsCatkCatkCkernelsCkernelsCreversibleCreversibleCdecompCdecompCdecompCdfsCdfsClevelsKakadu Core Error: ClevelsCalign_blk_lastCalign_blk_lastCalign_blk_lastCalign_blk_lastCorderCorderCuse_ephCuse_ephCuse_sopCuse_sopClayersClayersCyccCycc F   h     .   M  Maximum code-block dimensions must be no less than 4 and the maximum code-block area must not exceed 4096 samples!Illegal `Ckernels' value found when preparing to generate COD/COC marker segment. Reversible processes must use the W5X3 kernel, while irreversible processes must use the W9X7 kernel, unless you have explicitly identified a different (Part-2) kernel, via the `Catk' attribute.Illegal ATK instance index found when preparing to generate COD/COC marker segment. Legal values are in the range 2 to 255.Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). COD/COC marker segments may only appear in the main header of a Profile-0 code-stream. You should set "Sprofile" to 1 or 2. Problem detected in tile You cannot use a colour transform unless the first 3 image components have identical bit-depths and are either all reversible or all irreversible.Illegal combination of `Clevels' and `Cdfs' values detected. JPEG2000 Part-2 codestreams record the DFS table index associated with the `Cdfs' parameter in a main header COC marker segment in place of the `Clevels' value. Thus, you cannot use a arbitrary downsampling factor styles while also providing a new value for `Clevels'.Illegal combination of `Clevels' and `Cads' values detected. JPEG2000 Part-2 codestreams record the ADS table index associated with the `Cads' parameter in a tile-specific COD or COC marker segment in place of the `Clevels' value. Thus, you cannot use a different `Clevels' value to the default inherited from a COD/COC marker segment with broader scope, while also specifying arbitrary decomposition styles via `Cads' and/or `Cdecomp'.Unable to write COD marker segment yet! Some info missing. Perhaps you forgot to call `kdu_params::finalize_all'. Precinct dimensions may not exceed 2^15!Kakadu Core Error: Precinct dimensions must be exact powers of 2!Kakadu Core Error: No precinct dimensions supplied for COD/COC!Kakadu Core Error: CprecinctsCprecinctsKakadu Core Error: Maximum code-block dimensions must be powers of 2!Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: .Kakadu Core Warning: SprofileKakadu Core Error: SprecisionCreversibleSprecisionCreversible. Legal range is 0 to 32!Illegal number of DWT levels, Kakadu Core Error: .Illegal number of quality layers, Kakadu Core Error: SIZKakadu Core Error: ClevelsKakadu Core Error: ClevelsCprecinctsCprecinctsCprecinctsCprecinctsCuse_precinctsCmodesCblkCblkCatkCkernelsCreversibleCdfsCadsClevelsCalign_blk_lastCalign_blk_lastCorderCuse_ephCuse_sopClayersCyccKakadu Core Error: Cuse_precinctsCmodesCblkCblkCatkCkernelsCreversibleCadsCdfsClevelsCalign_blk_lastCalign_blk_lastCorderCuse_ephCuse_sopClayersCycc\       6 Malformed COD/COC marker segment encountered. Marker segment is too small.Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). COD/COC marker segments may only appear in the main header of a Profile-0 code-stream. You should set "Sprofile" to 1 or 2. Problem detected in tile Malformed COD marker segment encountered. Marker segment is too small.Malformed COD marker segment encountered. Invalid "Scod" value!Malformed COC marker segment encountered. Marker segment is too small.  (8 HȔ Ȕ Ȕ Kakadu Core Error: bytes were not consumed!Malformed COD/COC marker segment encountered. The final Kakadu Core Error: CprecinctsCprecinctsCkernelsCatkCkernelsCreversibleCatkCmodesCblkCblkClevelsCadsCdfsCadsClevelsCdfsCads.Kakadu Core Warning: SprofileSIZKakadu Core Error: CyccClayersCorderCalign_blk_lastCalign_blk_lastCuse_ephCuse_sopCuse_precinctsKakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Cuse_precinctsMalformed COC marker segment. Invalid "Scoc" value!Kakadu Core Error: CdecompCdecompDdecompCdecompDSadsDOadsDdecompADSYou are attempting to define a decomposition structure within a tile, which involves a different downsampling structure (different primary subband decomposition -- first character code of each record in `Cdecomp' attribute) to that defined (implicitly or explicitly) for the main codestream header. This is illegal. @ DFSCdecompCdecompCdfsKakadu Core Error: CdfsDOadsDSdfsCdecompDSadsDSadsDSdfsDSadsDOadsCdecompDSdfsTerminal splitting styles must have identical splitting instructions for all primary detail subbands (i.e., identical colon-separated sub-strings), in each of which all 2-bit splitting codes must be identical (i.e., sub-strings must consist of identical characters from the set, `-', `H', `V' and `B'. The only exception to this rule is that where each primary subband is split only once, in which case it is sufficient for all primary subbands to be split once in the same direction (i.e., all `-', all `H--', all `V--' or all `B----'). These rules derive from the way in which Part-2 of the JPEG2000 standard extrapolates information found in ADS and DFS marker segments.Unacceptable interaction between ADS (Arbitrary Decomposition Style) and DFS (Downsampling Factor Styles) information in Part-2 codestream. It makes no sense to use the same ADS table for two tile-components which have different downsampling factor styles, since downsampling styles have a strong effect on the interpretation of information recorded in the ADS marker segment. @  ". , "Encountered invalid terminal `Cdecomp' attribute valueKakadu Core Error: DdecompKakadu Core Error: DdecompCdecompDdecompADSIncompatible `DSdfs' and `Cdecomp' values seem to have been created. Should not be possible. `g DSdfsKakadu Core Error: DSdfsCdecompDSdfsDFSArray of splitting instructions, whose interpretation generally depends upon the way in which ADS and DFS tables are jointly referenced from COD/COC marker segments, as identified by the `Cads' and `Cdfs' attributes. Each splitting instruction must take one of the values: 3 (split horizontally and vertically); 2 (split vertically); 1 (split horizontally); or 0 (do not split). The last value is repeated as necessary, if accesses are made beyond the end of the array. For the meaning of these splitting instructions, the reader is referred to Annex F of IS 15444-2. [You would not normally set values for this parameter attribute yourself.]Number of sub-levels in each successive DWT level, starting from the highest level. Accesses to non-existent values are supported by repeating the last available value. All entries must lie in the range 1 to 3. For the meaning of sub-levels in JPEG2000 Part-2, the reader is referred to Annex F of IS 15444-2. [You would not normally set values for this parameter attribute yourself.]This attribute is ultimately set so as to hold the same information as the `Cdecomp' attribute of the COD/COC marker segment whose `Cads' holds our instance index. Thus, for example, if `Cads'=3 then `Cdecomp' must be identical to `Ddecomp:I3'. This identification is created by the internal machinery, however. You should not explicitly set `Ddecomp' values yourself. x DSads(X=0,H=1,V=2,B=3)DOadsIDdecompCADSThe `Ddecomp' attribute may be defined only for index values in the range 1 to 127. Perhaps your decomposition structure requires too many distinct ADS marker segments.   DSadsDSadsDOadsDSadsDOads., 0xEncountered invalid `Ddecomp' attribute valueKakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: DdecompDSadsDOadsDSadsDOadsDSadsDSadsDSadsDSadsDOadsDOadsDOadsDOadsMalformed ADS marker segment encountered. Marker segment is too small.  ( !  @ Ȕ  bytes were not consumed!Malformed ADS marker segment encountered. The final Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: DSadsDOadsDdecompDescribes the primary subband decomposition type associated with each DWT level, starting from the highest resolution (1'st level). The value may be one of `B' (split in both directions), `H' (split horizontally), `V' (split vertically) or `X' (don't split at all). The last case is degenerate, since it means that the DWT level in question produces no detail subbands whatsoever, simply passing its input image through to the next DWT level. However, this can be useful in some circumstances. The primary subband decomposition determines the downsampling factors between each successive resolution level. If there are more DWT levels than `DSdfs' values, the last available value is replicated, as required. [You would not normally set values for this parameter attribute yourself.] 8  DSdfs(X=0,H=1,V=2,B=3)DFSIllegal `DSdfs' attribute value encountered. Legal values must be in the range 0 to 3.The `DSdfs' attribute may be defined only for index values in the range 1 to 127. Perhaps your decomposition structure requires too many distinct DFS marker segments. Y  Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: DSdfsDSdfsDSdfsMalformed DFS marker segment encountered. Marker segment is too small. Hh  Ȕ  bytes were not consumed!Malformed DFS marker segment encountered. The final Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: DSdfsNumber of range bits used to code each subband during reversible compression. Subbands appear in the sequence, LL_D, HL_D, LH_D, ..., HL_1, LH_1, HH_1, where D denotes the number of DWT levels. Note that the actual set of subbands for which values are provided depends upon the decomposition structure, identified via `Cdecomp'. The number of range bits for a reversibly compressed subband, plus the number of guard bits (see `Qguard'), is equal to 1 plus the number of magnitude bit-planes which are used for coding its samples. [For compressors, most users will accept the default policy, which sets the number of range bits to the smallest value which is guaranteed to avoid overflow or underflow in the bit-plane representation, assuming that the RCT (colour transform) is used. If explicit values are supplied, they must be given for each and every subband.]Absolute quantization step sizes for each subband, expressed as a fraction of the nominal dynamic range for that subband. The nominal range is equal to 2^B (B is the image sample bit-depth) multiplied by the DC gain of each low-pass subband analysis filter and the AC gain of each high-pass subband analysis filter, involved in the construction of the relevant subband. The bands are described one by one, in the following sequence: LL_D, HL_D, LH_D, ..., HL_1, LH_1, HH_1. Here, D denotes the number of DWT levels. Also, note that the actual set of subbands for which values are provided depends upon the decomposition structure identified via `Cdecomp'. A single step size must be supplied for every subband (there is no extrapolation), except in the event that `Qderived' is set to "yes" -- then, only one parameter is allowed, corresponding to the LL_D subband. [For compressors, the absolute step sizes are ignored if `Qstep' has been used.]Base step size to be used in deriving irreversible quantization step sizes for every subband. The base step parameter should be in the range 0 to 2. [Default is 1/256]Quantization steps derived from LL band parameters? If "yes", all quantization step sizes will be related to the LL subband's step sizes through appropriate powers of 2 and only the LL band step size will be written in code-stream markers. Otherwise, a separate step size will be recorded for every subband. You cannot use this option with reversible compression. [Default is not derived]Number of guard bits to prevent overflow in the magnitude bit-plane representation. Typical values are 1 or 2. [Default is 1] `n Qabs_rangesIQabs_stepsFQstepFQderivedBQguardIADSCODQCDE?;Some absolute step sizes which you have supplied will be ignored, since `Qstep' has been used or a default value for `Qstep' has been forced. If you want to specify explicit absolute step sizes, you must not use `Qstep' anywhere in the inheritance path of the relevant tile-component.Trying to finalize quantization parameter attributes without first providing any information about the image component bit-depths (i.e. "Sprecision").   Qabs_stepsQabs_stepsQabs_stepsQabs_stepsQabs_stepsQabs_stepsQabs_stepsQderivedQderivedKakadu Core Warning: Qabs_stepsQderivedQderivedQderivedQderivedQabs_stepsQstepQderivedQderivedQstepQabs_rangesSprecisionKakadu Core Error: SprecisionSIZQderivedQderivedQabs_rangesQabs_stepsCdecompATKCatkCkernelsClevelsCreversibleCODQguardQguardOQabs_rangesQabs_rangesQabs_stepsQabs_stepsCdecompCreversibleClevelsCODQderivedQderivedQguardQguardU) ) * - / . 0 D2 M6 5 s5 Absolute ranging parameters for reversibly compressed subbands must be non-negative, no larger than 31!Insufficient absolute ranging parameters available for writing QCD/QCC marker segmentInsufficient absolute quantization step size parameters available for writing QCD/QCC marker segment.Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). QCD/QCC marker segments may only appear in the main header of a Profile-0 code-stream. You should set "Sprofile" to 1 or 2. Problem detected in tile Cannot write QCD/QCC marker segment yet! Absolute reversible ranging information not available.Cannot write QCD/QCC marker segment yet! Absolute step size information not available.Cannot write QCD/QCC marker segment without first completing all relevant COD/COC information!Cannot write QCD/QCC marker segment yet! Not clear whether quant steps are derived from the LL band step size.Cannot write QCD/QCC marker segment yet! No info on guard bits.Cannot write QCD/QCC marker segment without first completing relevant COD/COC information!  Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Qabs_rangesKakadu Core Error: Qabs_steps.Kakadu Core Warning: SprofileSIZ. Legal range is from 0 to 7.Illegal number of guard bits, Kakadu Core Error: Qabs_rangesKakadu Core Error: Qabs_rangesQabs_stepsKakadu Core Error: Qabs_stepsQderivedQguardKakadu Core Error: CreversibleClevelsCdecompKakadu Core Error: QderivedKakadu Core Error: QguardKakadu Core Error: CreversibleClevelsCOD?EMalformed QCD/QCC marker segment encountered. Marker segment is too small.Profile violation detected (code-stream is technically illegal). QCD/QCC marker segments may only appear in the main header of a Profile-0 code-stream. You should set "Sprofile" to 1 or 2. Problem detected in tile `''9 : p= = 'ȔV=  bytes were not consumed!Malformed QCD/QCC marker segment encountered. The final Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: Qabs_rangesQabs_stepsQderivedUndefined style byte found in QCD/QCC marker segment!Kakadu Core Error: Qguard.Kakadu Core Warning: SprofileSIZRegion of interest significance weight. Although this attribute may be used together with `Rshift', it is common to use only one or the other. All code-blocks whose samples contribute in any way to the reconstruction of the foreground region of an ROI mask will have their distortion metrics scaled by the square of the supplied weighting factor, for the purpose of rate allocation. This renders such blocks more important and assigns to them relatively more bits, in a manner which is closely related to the effect of the `Clevel_weights' and `Cband_weights' attributes on the importance of whole subbands. Note that this region weighting strategy is most effective when working with large images and relatively small code-blocks (or precincts). [Default is 1, i.e., no extra weighting]Number of initial (highest frequency) DWT levels through which to propagate geometric information concerning the foreground region for ROI processing. Additional levels (i.e., lower frequency subbands) will be treated as belonging entirely to the foreground region. [Default is 4]Region of interest up-shift value. All subband samples which are involved in the synthesis of any image sample which belongs to the foreground region of an ROI mask will be effectively shifted up (scaled by two the power of this shift value) prior to quantization. The region geometry is specified independently and is not explicitly signalled through the code-stream; instead, this shift must be sufficiently large to enable the decoder to separate the foreground and background on the basis of the shifted sample amplitudes alone. You will receive an appropriate error message if the shift value is too small. [Default is 0] /> RweightFRlevelsIRshiftIRGNUp-shift values in the RGN marker segment should not need to exceed 37 under any circumstances. The use of a larger value, 0@  in this case, may cause problems.Kakadu Core Warning: RshiftRlevelsRlevelsRshiftRshift 01(C . Legal range is from 0 to 255!Illegal ROI up-shift, Kakadu Core Error: RshiftRshiftMalformed RGN marker segment encountered. Marker segment is too small. 202F YG G H2ȔG Kakadu Core Error: bytes were not consumed!Malformed RGN marker segment encountered. The final Kakadu Core Error: RshiftEncountered non-Part1 RGN marker segment!Kakadu Core Error: Progression order change information. The attribute may be applied globally (main header), or in a tile-specific manner (tile-part header). In this latter case, multiple instances of the attribute may be supplied for any given tile, which will force the generation of multiple tile-parts for the tile (one for each instance of the `Porder' attribute). As with all attributes, tile specific forms are specified by appending a suffix of the form ":T" to the attribute name, where stands for the tile number, starting from 0. Each instance of the attribute may contain one or more progression records, each of which defines the order for a collection of packets. Each record contains 6 fields. The first two fields identify inclusive lower bounds for the resolution level and image component indices, respectively. The next three fields identify exclusive upper bounds for the quality layer, resolution level and image component indices, respectively. All indices are zero-based, with resolution level 0 corresponding to the LL_D subband. The final field in each record identifies the progression order to be applied within the indicated bounds. This order is applied only to those packets which have not already been sequenced by previous records or instances. @8H PorderIIIII(LRCP=0,RLCP=1,RPCL=2,PCRL=3,CPRL=4)POCPorderPorderPorderPorderPorderPorderPorderPorderPorderPorderPorderPorderPorder, for layer indices in progression order change attribute. Legal range is from 0 to , for component indices in progression order change attribute. Legal range is from the lower bound + 1 to , for component indices in progression order change attribute. Legal range is from 0 to , for resolution level indices in progression order change attribute. Legal range is from the lower bound + 1 to 33., for resolution level indices in progression order change attribute. Legal range is from 0 to 32.Information required to write POC marker segment is not currently complete!Information required to write POC marker segment is not currently complete! <}Q W W X ]Y 8Z  [ .Illegal upper bound (exclusive), Kakadu Core Error: .Illegal upper bound (exclusive), Kakadu Core Error: .Illegal lower bound, Kakadu Core Error: Illegal upper bound (exclusive), Kakadu Core Error: Illegal lower bound, Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error: PorderPorderPorderPorderPorderPorderScomponentsSIZPorderPorderPorderPorderPorderPorderKakadu Core Error: PorderPorderPorderPorderPorderPorderPorderPorderMalformed POC marker segment encountered. Marker segment is too small. >>a a >Ȕa Kakadu Core Error: bytes were not consumed!Malformed POC marker segment encountered. The final Kakadu Core Error: PorderPorderPorderPorderPorderPorderScomponentsSIZProvides additional component registration offsets. The offsets add to those implied by the canvas coordinate system and should only be used when canvas coordinates (notably `Ssize', `Soffset' and `Ssampling') cannot be found, which adequately reflect the relative displacement of the components. Each record specifies offsets for one component, with the vertical offset appearing first. Offsets must be in the range 0 (inclusive) to 1 (exclusive) and represent a fraction of the relevant component sub-sampling factor (see `Ssampling'). The last supplied record is repeated as needed to recover offsets for all components. XBlb CRGoffsetFFCRGCRGoffsetCRGoffsetCRGoffsetCRGoffsetCRGoffsetCRGoffsetSoriginSoriginSsizeSsizeSoriginSoriginSsizeSsizeSIZSIZCRGoffsetG?? @Ck k }. Legal range is from 0.0 to 1.0 (exclusive).,Illegal component registration offsets, {Kakadu Core Error: Component registration information incomplete!Kakadu Core Error: CRGoffsetCRGoffsetScomponentsSIZCRGoffsetGMalformed CRG marker segment encountered. Marker segment is too small. DDo Wp DȔ@p Kakadu Core Error: bytes were not consumed!Malformed CRG marker segment encountered. The final Kakadu Core Error: CRGoffsetCRGoffsetScomponentsSIZRequests the insertion of TLM (tile-part-length) marker segments in the main header, to facilitate random access to the code-stream. This attribute takes a single integer-valued parameter, which identifies the maximum number of tile-parts which will be written to the code-stream for each tile. The reason for including this parameter is that space for the TLM information must be reserved ahead of time; once the entire code-stream has been written the generation machinery goes back and overwrites this reserved space with actual TLM data. If the actual number of tile-parts which are generate is less than the value supplied here, empty tile-parts will be inserted into the code-stream so as to use up all of the reserved TLM space. For this reason, you should try to estimate the maximum number of tile-parts you will need as accurately as possible, noting that the actual value may be hard to determine ahead of time if incremental flushing features are to be employed. In any event, no JPEG2000 code-stream may have more than 255 tile-parts. An error will be generated at run-time if the declared maximum number of tile-parts turns out to be insufficient. You should note that this attribute may be ignored if the target device does not support repositioning functionality.Requests the insertion of packet length information in the header of all tile-parts associated with tiles for which this attribute is turned on (has a value of "yes"). The PLT marker segments written into the relevant tile-part headers will hold the lengths of those packets which belong to the same tile-part. Note that the cost of any PLT marker segments generated as a result of this attribute being enabled will not be taken into account during rate allocation. This means that the resulting code-streams will generally be a little larger than one might expect; however, this is probably a reasonable policy, since the PLT marker segments may be removed without losing any information.Controls the division of each tile's packets into tile-parts. The attribute consists of one or more of the flags, `R', `L' and `C', separated by the vertical bar character, `|'. If the `R' flag is supplied, tile-parts will be introduced as necessary to ensure that each tile-part consists of packets from only one resolution level. If `L' is supplied, tile-parts are introduced as necessary to ensure that each tile-part consists of packets from only one quality layer. Similarly, if the `C' flag is supplied, each tile-part will consist of packets from only one component. Note that the cost of extra tile-part headers will not be taken into account during rate control, so that the code-stream may end up being a little larger than you expect. [By default, tile-part boundaries are introduced only as required by the presence of multiple "Porder" attribute specifications.] Q$q ORGgen_tlmIORGgen_pltBORGtparts[R=1|L=2|C=4]ORGORGgen_pltORGgen_pltORGtpartsORGtparts QKt Attempting to write multiple records to a code-stream attribute  Rv v ", which can accept only single attributes!, "Kakadu Core Error: ,... }>ENUM<>FLAGS<,={>]={[:< p #  #  О$  %  0e&  `>'  (  (  )   *  Pi+  V,  )-  .  .  @/  p0  n1  СA2  3  03  `4  5  6 P$Lx.T{ '.5b&x.T/p/''x.T'x-j7x.T"*63(^98#x.T6  *N21/x.T5+G2.'7/8@ 7x.h9KЛL#&>'3x.T `i)8//x.T31z*,P&x.T*4}$3%*x.T{a,&/x.T{ 32L91 x.T{ 7 =8  D9  >  hL y#0-s.!ROOT ȦO P Ч  X8f 2g X`k Vk Xx)m `m Xp -p    # ffffff??A?|>>? p  0N ?zɽ ?t/})ٔ wT?b@  |@ ЩD Р+R?xN[?v/?bX9?A`"?k3T?cCW4?'1Z?> @   Inconsistent bit-depths encountered amongst output image components produced by a DWT transform block embedded inside the multi-component transform network. All output (i.e., synthesized) components produced by a single DWT block must be declared with the same bit-depth. Anything else makes no sense, so Kakadu does not bother trying to accommodate this case.  Kakadu Core Error: ?FFF?Encountered an irreversible DWT transform block which operates on reversible codestream sample data. While we allow such transforms to be processed during decompression, it is unreasonable to generate reversibly compressed component samples using an irreversible inverse multi-component transform during compression. Kakadu will not invert this transform during compression. This can prevent the compression process from proceeding if there are no other paths back from the MCT output components to the codestream components.DWT transform block cannot be inverted unless all output components can be computed by downstream transform blocks in the multi-component transform network, or by the application supplying them.?FFF?? hn ?? & W S         component processorCannot implement multi-component transform. It seems that one or more transform steps require image samples to be treated as reversible, where other steps require the same image samples to be treated as irreversible. This is illegal in Part-1 of the JPEG2000 standard. Although Part-2 is not clear on the matter, Kakadu's implementation insists only that irreversibly compressed samples not be subjected to reversible multi-component transform processing during decompression -- this is eminently reasonable, since exact reversible processing of data which is not already exactly defined, makes no sense. The reverse case, in which reversibly compressed data is processed using an irreversible multi-component transform, can make sense, particularly where there are multiple ways to render the same original reversibly compressed codestream components to MCT outputs.  Kakadu Core Error: Part-2 codestream declares a codestream component to have a different bit-depth (Sprecision) to the output component (Mprecision) with which it is directly associated. While this is allowed, it makes very little sense, and Kakadu will not perform the required multiple scaling for irreversibly transformed components.Cannot implement multi-component transform. It seems that image components which must be processed by a common transform block (or decorrelating colour transform) have incompatible dimensions. This error may also be detected if the sub-sampling factors associated with an MCT output image component vary from tile to tile or if relative component size change from resolution level to resolution level (due to incompatible Part-2 downsampling factor style usage). While these latter conditions might not be strictly illegal, they are clearly foolish. p  Kakadu Core Error: Kakadu Core Error:   ?   ?Cannot perform forward multi-component transform based on the source image components supplied. The multi-component transform is defined from the perspective of decompression (i.e., synthesis, or inverse transformation). Not all of the defined transform blocks may be invertible. Also, if the defined transform blocks do not use all codestream components to produce final output image components during decompression, it will not be possible to work back from the final image components to codestream components which can be subjected to spatial wavelet transformation and coding. One of these conditions has been encountered with the configuration you are targeting during compression.   The following additional explanation is available ---- Kakadu Core Error: 4  5  H@6  x7  p8  .9  $:  8;  hH=  >>  @  :A  (C  XD D  E E x^%$70c408;e$70c40У 1X&c hP"$7, -",S[(;92)Q2F8=0.0ȦZ8%(1 3@#/_*'++`5 s_  ` ffffff??A?|>>? 0{  X܅ zɽ ?t/})ٔ wT?b@  |@  Attempting to associate a reproduction function (e.g., colour intensity, opacity, etc.) with a non-existent image channel in a JP2-family file. The problem may be a missing or invalid Component Mapping (cmap) box, or a corrupt or illegal Channel Definitions (cdef) box.Error in Kakadu File Format Support: ??Attempting to open a `jp2_family_src' object which is already open.  ~ "., "Unable to open input fileError in Kakadu File Format Support: rbError in Kakadu File Format Support: The `kdu_compressed_source' object supplied to `jp2_family_src::open' must support sequential reading.Attempting to open a `jp2_family_src' object which is already open. h x Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to open a `jp2_family_src' object which is already open. H Error in Kakadu File Format Support:    Unable to open the box identified by the `jp2_locator' object supplied to `jp2_input_box::open'. The server is deliberately preventing access to the the box or any stream equivalent.Unable to dereference file offset in the `jp2_locator' object supplied to `jp2_input_box::open'. The server is deliberately preventing access to the original box in which the file offset resides.Invoking `jp2_input_box::open' with a `jp2_locator' object which references an invalid original file location.Invoking `jp2_input_box::open' with a `jp2_locator' object which references an invalid original file location.Attempting to call `jp2_input_box::open' without first closing the box.  j #  f Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to open a sub-box of a contiguous codestream box (may be a stream equivalent contiguous codestream for a real original box, which might have had sub-boxes), but you should have checked.Attempting to open a sub-box of a box which is not itself open, or which has already been locked by another open sub-box which has not yet been closed.Attempting to call `jp2_input_box::open' without first closing the box. Z   Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: You may not use `jp2_input_box::open_next' unless the object has been previously used to open and then close a box within the source. L Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to invoke `jp2_input_box::transplant' on a box which is currently open, or using a donor which is not currently open.  Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to seek inside a JP2 box which is not open, or is sharing its read pointer with an open sub-box.  Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Non-seekable JP2 sources must be read sequentially. You are attempting to read from multiple boxes simultaneously.Cached data-bin appears to be complete yet terminates prior to the end of the current JP2 box.Illegal attempt to read from a JP2 box which is either not open or else has an open sub-box. @  p  Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Caching source does not appear to support seeking!Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to read a 2-byte word from a JP2 box, after first reading a partial 4-byte word! f Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Illegal box length field encountered in stream equivalent box header embedded within a JP2 placeholder box.Illegal placeholder box encountered. Placeholders must not use the extended length field and must have a length of at least 28 bytes! (?  Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Illegal box length field encountered in JP2 file.Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Illegal box length field encountered in JP2 file.Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to open a `jp2_family_tgt' object which is already open. R"., "Unable to open output fileError in Kakadu File Format Support: wbError in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to open a `jp2_family_tgt' object which is already open. Error in Kakadu File Format Support:   @ Attempting to open a `jp2_output_box' to write to a `jp2_family_tgt' object which already contains a rubber length box. Any rubber length box must be the last box in the data stream.Attempting to open a `jp2_output_box' object which is already open. N  Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to open a `jp2_output_box' object which is already open. h Error in Kakadu File Format Support: You cannot call `jp2_output_box::open_next' on a box which has never been opened either as a sub-box of another box or as a top-level box within a valid `jp2_family_tgt' object. xYError in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to set a rubber length for a JP2 box which is currently inside a rewrite section.Attempting to set a rubber length for a JP2 box whose total length has already been declared, or is to be written at the end. JError in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to set the target size of a JP2 box to which a larger number of bytes has already been written.Attempting to set the target size of a JP2 box which is currently inside a rewrite section.Attempting to set the target size of a JP2 box whose content length is already known, or is to be written at the end.Attempting to set the target size of a JP2 box which has already been assigned a rubber length. ZtError in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: You cannot use `jp2_output_box::write_header_last' unless this is a top level box and the underlying `jp2_family_tgt' object represents a file.You cannot use `jp2_output_box::write_header_last' unless the box is open. Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to close an output JP2 box whose length was defined ahead of time, having written less bytes than indicated by that length value.  Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to write more bytes to a JP2 output box than the number which was specified via a previous call to `jp2_output_box::set_target_size'. !Error in Kakadu File Format Support: ('JP2 dimensions may be initialized only once!Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to initialize a `jp2_dimensions' object using an incomplete `siz_params' object.Attempting to initialize a `jp2_dimensions' object using an incomplete `siz_params' object. *,Error in Kakadu File Format Support: SprecisionSsignedError in Kakadu File Format Support: ScomponentsSoriginSoriginSsizeSsizeMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMstage_xformsMnum_stagesMCCMCOStilesStilesSextensionsSprofileSIZ X2A `jp2_palette' object may be initialized only once!Error in Kakadu File Format Support: /Attempting to initialize a `jp2_channels' object multiple times. `jp2_channels::init' may be applied only to an object which is not yet initialized. 67Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Unrecognized colour space identifier supplied to `jp2_colour::init'.<<=<<====<==='=8=I=Z=k=|=======Attempting to initialize a `jp2_colour' object which has already been initialized. x<=Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: The second form of the `jp2_colour::init' function may be used only to initialize an Lab or Jab colour description. The supplied `space' argument is neither JP2_CIELab_SPACE nor JP2_CIEJab_SPACE, though.Attempting to initialize a `jp2_colour' object which has already been initialized. 8>'?Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to initialize a `jp2_colour' object which has already been initialized. @@WAError in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to initialize a `jp2_colour' object which has already been initialized. BError in Kakadu File Format Support: ?p@@?Currently can only construct profiles having gamma values greater than or equal to 1.0.Attempting to initialize a `jp2_colour' object which has already been initialized. JDDNKakadu Generated ProfileNot copyrightedError in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: /$?ı.nz6>W[?~jtx2U0*?a2U0*S?Q?r?l?c]F?uV?@?p@@?Currently can only construct profiles having gamma values greater than or equal to 1.0.Attempting to initialize a `jp2_colour' object which has already been initialized. 8 PPQ^Kakadu Generated ProfileNot copyrightedError in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: d q @VrJP2 source contains a file type box whose compatibility list does not include JP2.A contiguous codestream box has been encountered within the JP2 source without first finding both the file-type box and the image header box.Source supplied to `jp2_source::open' does not contain a valid JP2 header.Unable to open JP2 file. Perhaps the file contains no box headers, or perhaps you forgot to call or check the return value from `jp2_source::open' before invoking `jp2_source::read_header'. t4u0v+w{vyyError in Kakadu File Format Support: JP2 source contains a malformed file type box.Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: JP2 source does not commence with a valid signature box.Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: X~ 4The `jp2_target::open' function must be supplied with a `jp2_family_tgt' object to which nothing has yet been written. 8 Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to embed a codestream which does not conform to Part-1 of the JPEG2000 standard within a plain JP2 file. For this, you must either write a raw codestream, or embed the codestream within the more advanced JPX file format.At the point when `jp2_target::write_header' is called, no other information should have been written to the `jp2_family_tgt' object with which it was opened.You may not call `jp2_target::write_header' until after you have called `jp2_target::open'.  ~bError in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: You may not call `jp2_target::open_codestream' until after you have called `jp2_target::open' and `jp2_target::write_header'.  (Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Trying to add too many URL's to the `jp2_data_references' object. At most 2^16 - 1 URL's may be stored by the data references box.  GError in Kakadu File Format Support: Sorry: Cannot process JP2-family data sources whose image header box contains height or width values larger than 2^{31}-1.Malformed image header box (ihdr) found in JP2-family data source. The box contains fields which do not conform to their legal range.Malformed image header box (ihdr) found in JP2-family data source. The box appears to be too long.Malformed image header box (ihdr) found in JP2-family data source. Not all fields were present.Attempting to read a JP2 image header box (ihdr) into a `jp2_dimensions' object which has previously been initialized! ֊CɌError in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Malformed bits per component (bpcc) box found in JP2-family data source. The box appears to be too long.Malformed bits per component (bpcc) box found in JP2-family data source. The box contains insufficient bit-depth specifiers.Malformed bits per component (bpcc) box found in JP2-family data source. The box contains an illegal bit-depth specifier. Bit depths may not exceed 38 bits per sample. JError in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Invalid compression type value provided when initializing a `jp2_dimensions' object.Incomplete or invalid dimensional information provided when initializing a `jp2_dimensions' object. ({Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Trying to copy a `jp2_palette' object to another object which has already been initialized. Reinitialization is not permitted. `4Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Malformed palette (pclr) box encountered in JP2-family data source. Box appears to be too long.Malformed palette (pclr) box found in JP2-family data source. The box contains insufficient palette entries.Malformed palette (pclr) box found in JP2-family data source. The box contains insufficient bit-depth specifiers.Malformed palette (pclr) box found in JP2-family data. source. The box contains an illegal bit-depth specifier. Bit depths may not exceed 38 bits per sample.Malformed palette (pclr) box found in JP2-family data source. Insufficient or illegal fields encountered.Attempting to read a JP2 palette box (pclr) into a `jp2_palette' object which has already been initialized. י7ȚȝError in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Incomplete or invalid information provided when initializing a `jp2_palette' object. x Error in Kakadu File Format Support: ΡTrying to copy an internal `j2_component_map' object to another object which has already been initialized. This is an internal fault within the file format reading/writing logic. Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Malformed component mapping (cmap) box encountered in JP2-family data source. Invalid or truncated mapping specs.Malformed component mapping (cmap) box encountered in JP2-family data source. The body of the box does not appear to contain any channel mappings.Malformed component mapping (cmap) box encountered in JP2-family data source. The body of any such box must contain exactly four bytes for each cmap-channel and there must be at least one cmap-channel.Attempting to initialize a `j2_component_map' object multiple times. Problem encountered while parsing a JP2 Component Mapping (cmap) box! kError in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support:  MAttempting to create a Component Mapping (cmap) box, one of whose channels refers to a non-existent image component or palette lookup table. P!`Error in Kakadu File Format Support: JP2-family data source appears to contain an illegal Component Mapping (cmap) box, one of whose channels refers to a non-existent image component or palette lookup table.JP2-family data source appears to contain a Component Mapping (cmap) box without any matching Palette (pclr) box. Palette and Component Mapping boxes must be in one-to-one correspondence.  #*Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Trying to copy a `jp2_channels' object to another object which has already been initialized. Reinitialization is not permitted. ($DError in Kakadu File Format Support: ^*uoFMalformed channel definition (cdef) box found in JP2-family data source. The box appears to be too long.Malformed channel definition (cdef) box found in JP2-family data source. The box appears to provide multiple channels with the same Assoc/Typ values.Malformed channel definition (cdef) box found in JP2-family data source. Missing or invalid channel association information.Malformed channel definition (cdef) box found in JP2-family data source. Missing or invalid fields.Malformed opacity (opct) box found in JPX data source. The box appears to be too long.Malformed opacity (opct) box found in JPX data source. Failed to read valid Nch field.Malformed opacity (opct) box found in JPX data source. Failed to read valid Otyp field.Attempting to read a JP2 channel definitions (cdef) or JPX opacity (opct) box into a `j2_channels' object which has already been initialized.  `$Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to write a JPX opacity box with chroma key values for more than 255 channels. This is not possible within the syntactic constraints of the opct box. *Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to create a JPX file which uses chroma-keys in an incompatible manner across compositing layers which share a common codestream. The JPX file format has insufficient flexibility in its channel mapping rules to allow arbitrary binding between image components and colour channels at the same time as chroma keying. ,Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Malformed opacity (opct) box in JPX data source. The length of a chroma key specification is incompatible with the bit-depths of the colour channels. x-Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Incomplete set of colour channel definitions found in a `jp2_channels' object. This is likely due to a malformed channel definitions (cdef) box in the JP2-family data source.Malformed channel definition (cdef) box found in JP2-family data source. The box appears to provide multiple channels with the same Assoc/Typ values.The chroma-key feature offered by the `jp2_channels' interface may not be used in conjunction with opacity or pre-multiplied opacity channels.Malformed opacity (opct) box encountered in a JPX file indicates a different number of colour channels to that associated with the specified colour space.A `jp2_channels' object indicates the presence of more colour channels than the number which is associated with the specified colour space. This may happen while reading a JP2-family data source which contains an illegal channel definitions (cdef) box, or it may happen while writing a JP2-family file if the `jp2_channels' object has been incorrectly initialized. 1yError in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: 3PJP2 resolution information may be initialized only once!Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Malformed resolution box found in JP2-family data source. Box appears to be too long.The JP2 resolution box must contain at least one of the capture or display resolution sub-boxes.JP2-family data source contains multiple instances of the resolution (res) box within the same JP2 header box or compositing layer header box! 5,Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: ?@z??? 5$@?Malformed capture or display resolution sub-box found in JP2-family data source. Box appears to be too long.Malformed capture or display resolution sub-box found in JP2-family data source. Insufficient or illegal data fields. 87(6Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: ??$@?Unable to save resolution information having illegal or ridiculously small or large values! @8Error in Kakadu File Format Support: 8.Malformed JP2 colour description (colr) box found in JP2-family data source. The box appears to be too large.JP2-family data source terminated unexpectedly; unable to read all EP parameter fields for CIELab or CIEJab enumerated colour space./Haw &?XqMalformed colour description (colr) box found in JP2-family data source. Box appears to terminate prematurely.JP2-family data source terminated unexpectedly inside the colour specification (colr) box.JP2-family data source terminated unexpectedly inside the colour specification (colr) box.Malformed colour description (colr) box found in JP2-family data source. Insufficient fields, or illegal `approx' or `meth' field found in box. 8<|VError in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: The sample precisions specified when initializing a `jp2_colour' object to represent a CIE Lab or Jab colour space do not agree with the actual precisions of the relevant codestream image components or palette lookup tables.No colour description found in JP2-family data source, or provided for generating a JP2-family file! >Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: h?@ ?Encountered a JP2 Header box having data which does not belong to any defined sub-box. @Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Attempting to write a colour description (colr) box which uses JPX extended features to the image header of a baseline JP2 file. You might like to upgrade the application to write files using the `jpx_target' object, rather than `jp2_target'.Attempting to write a JP2 opacity (opct) box to the image header box of a baseline JP2 file. This box type is defined by JPX, not JP2, and is required only if you are trying to record chroma-key information. You might like to upgrade the application to write files using the `jpx_target' object, rather than `jp2_target'. BError in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Malformed data reference box (dtbl). Box appears to contain additional content beyond the declared number of data entry URL boxes.Malformed data reference box (dtbl). Unable to read sufficient correctly formatted data entry URL boxes.Malformed data reference box (dtbl) found in JPX data source. Not all fields were present. D "Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Current implementation of `j2_data_references::save_box' can only write JPX formatted data reference boxes -- i.e., those with box type `dtbl' rather than `dref'. However, the implementation can easily be expanded. xF T Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Embedded ICC profile in JP2 colour description box specifies a 3 colour display profile, but does not contain a complete set of primary colorant specifications.Embedded ICC profile in JP2 colour description box specifies a display profile, but does not contain a complete set of tone reproduction curves! This condition is not compatible with any legal ICC profile.Embedded ICC profile in JP2 colour description box appears to have been truncated!Unknown PCS signature found in embedded ICC profile within a JP2-family data source's colour description (colr) box.Unknown colour space signature found in embedded ICC profile within a JP2-family data source's colour description (colr) box.Embedded ICC profile in JP2 colour description box does not have a complete header. 8J, m#^Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: C?GGThe `curv' data type used to represent an embedded ICC profile's tone reproduction curve appears to have been truncated.Did not find a valid `curv' data type in the embedded ICC profile's tone reproduction curve tag.Illegal tag offset or length value supplied in the JP2 embedded icc profile. LBcError in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Did not find a valid `XYZ ' data type in the embedded ICC profile's colorant description tag.Illegal tag offset or length value supplied in JP2 embedded icc profile. PNError in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: q= ףp?Q?zG?Q?333333?Q?)\(?(\?ףp= ? ףp= ?ףp= ?Q?{Gz?Q?333333?333333?333333?Q???-C6?46٬? ?ޓZ?ı.n?[B>٬?/n?io??rq@MbX??`??EF@?OU' U'U'U'U'.!U'"#^#"6"_'_'!##$%%m&U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'"'"'"'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'U'I' ?B>٬?Y8m?jq?46]` XdJP2-family data source contains a malformed file type box.Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Malformed reader requirements (rreq) box found in JPX data source. Box appears to be too long.Malformed reader requirements (rreq) box found in JPX data source. Box terminated unexpectedly.Malformed reader requirements (rreq) box found in JPX data source. Box terminated unexpectedly.Malformed reader requirements (rreq) box found in JPX data source. Box terminated unexpectedly.Malformed reader requirements (rreq) box found in JPX data source. Box terminated unexpectedly. ggi?j%kklError in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: (PnJPX data source appears to contain multiple composition boxes!! This is illegal. All but first will be ignored. -zWarning in Kakadu File Format Support: Malformed Composition Options (copt) box found in JPX data source. Insufficient or illegal field values encountered. The height and width parameters must also be non-zero.Malformed Instruction Set (inst) box encountered in JPX data source. Box appears to be too long.Malformed Instruction Set (inst) box found in JPX data source. Insufficient fields encountered. (~Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: You must add at least one compositing instruction to every frame created using `jpx_composition::add_frame'. PError in Kakadu File Format Support:  أf/Malformed Instruction Set (inst) box found in JPX data source. Terminated unexpectedly.Malformed Instruction Set (inst) box found in JPX data source. Terminated unexpectedly.Malformed Instruction Set (inst) box found in JPX data source. Terminated unexpectedly.Malformed Instruction Set (inst) box found in JPX data source. Terminated unexpectedly. 0Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Illegal re-use count found in a compositing instruction within the JPX composition box. The specified re-use counts found in the box lead to multiple conflicting definitions for the compositing layer which should be used by a particular instruction. Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Чե    H Malformed Number List (`nlst') box found in JPX data source. Box body does not contain a whole (non-zero) number of 32-bit integers.Malformed ROI Descriptions (`roid') box encountered in JPX data source. hxXֵError in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support:  0 X*   Ъ  % 0 ROI group: x0=%d; y0=%d; w=%d; h=%dROI group: x0=%d; y0=%d; w=%d; h=%dROI scale %dMetadata associated with image entitiesMalformed Codestream Registration (creg) box found in JPX data source. Alignment offsets must be strictly less than the denominator (point density) parameters, as explained in the JPX standard (accounting for corrigenda).Malformed Codestream Registration (creg) box found in JPX data source. Illegal (zero-valued) resolution parameters found for codestream Malformed Codestream Registration (creg) box found in JPX data source. Box size does not seem to be equal to 4+6k where k must be the number of referenced codestreams.Malformed Codestream Registration (creg) box found in JPX data source. Insufficient or illegal fields encountered.JPX data source appears to contain multiple JPX Codestream Registration (creg) boxes within the same compositing layer header (jplh) box. 0.[SError in Kakadu File Format Support: .Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: P xOne or more codestreams registration parameters supplied using `jpx_layer_target::set_codestream_registration' cannot be recorded in a legal JPX Codestream Registration (creg) box. XError in Kakadu File Format Support: JPX source contains a codestream with a palette (pclr) box, but no component mapping (cmap) box. This illegal situation has been detected after examining both the codestream header (chdr) box, if any, for that codestream, and the default JP2 header (jp2h) box, if any.JPX source contains no image header box for a codestream. The image header (ihdr) box cannot be found in a codestream header (chdr) box, and does not exist within a default JP2 header (jp2h) box. pZError in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: 8JP2/JPX source is internally inconsistent. Either an explicit channel mapping box, or the set of channels implicitly identified by a colour space box, cannot all be associated with available code-stream image components.Encountered a JPX compositing layer box which utilizes a non-existent codestream!Colour description (colr) box found inside a compositing layer header (jplh) box, but not wrapped by a colour group (cgrp) box. This is technically a violation of the JPX standard, but we will parse the box anyway. x Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Warning in Kakadu File Format Support: 1`$U ( Y   @f0Rt     #"r!  %JP2-family data source appears to contain more than one data reference (dtbl) box. At most one should be found in the file.JP2-family data source contains more than one top-level JP2 header (jp2h) box.  Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: @O*Application has configured a JPX compositing layer box which utilizes a non-existent codestream!The `jpx_layer_target::add_colour' function has been used to add multiple colour descriptions for a JPX compositing layer, but not all colour descriptions have the same number of colour channels. Ȼ12Error in Kakadu File Format Support: Error in Kakadu File Format Support: H6 p9G?p}?{AAAB1BbBBBC5C C  DDDE0EREtEEEE  Attempting to open a new top-level box within a JPX file, while another top-level box is already open! Problem may be caused by failing to complete a code-stream and close its box before attempting to write a second code-stream. HError in Kakadu File Format Support: mjp2jpxbjpx jp2 `~ G  , 0@o x P| B_ @$N  ' y Gx Pb  Fw( Nn pO|6  *Jj 0Du pv+507{5u,#+q!6}?//?7G?The optional `num_components' argument supplied to `kdu_stripe_compressor::start' may not exceed the number of output components declared by the codestream header. 8kClayersClayersClayersCODError in Kakadu Stripe Compressor: You may not call `kdu_stripe_compressor's `get_recommended_stripe_heights' function without first calling the `start' function. dError in Kakadu Stripe Compressor: P eInappropriate use of the `kdu_stripe_compressor' object. Image component samples must not be pushed into this object in such disproportionate fashion as to require the object to maintain multiple rows of open tile pointers! See description of the `kdu_stripe_compressor::push_line' interface function for more details on how to use it correctly. uError in Kakadu Stripe Compressor: Tile processor 1 Hr4-KK??G?G7?You may not call `kdu_stripe_decompressor's `get_recommended_stripe_heights' function without first calling the `start' function. hJOError in Kakadu Stripe Decompressor: }_`Inappropriate use of `kdu_stripe_decompressor' object. Image component samples must not be processed by this object in such disproportionate fashion as to require the object to maintain multiple rows of open tile pointers! See description of the `kdu_stripe_decompressor::pull_line' interface function for more details on how to use it correctly. `1dError in Kakadu Stripe Decompressor: Tile processor+eGg@W??+eGg@                    (   (   (   (   (   (     (  (  (                        (   (   (   (   (   (   (   (   ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (   (   (   (   (   (   (    ( ( (                                                       ( ( (                                              ( ( (                              o      o T 9      z  j Z  "          w  \ A '         w g W G  a(hN3w\B(w\B(w\B(\\\      ~~?}m     o ]]]]]]M=-                  o ]]]]]]                     ]]]]]]   hN\ A ' ]]]]]]]]]p&=NE= klZoTTq  p\z "A`2Qgy5N d|:Pj&Ed^TSTJTDT9Tտ0ThּA^, vP)EVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTZkTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTά.M7èOsqrtlsqrtl: DOMAIN error sqrtsqrt: DOMAIN error sqrtfsqrtf: DOMAIN error logllogl: SING error loglog: SING error logflogf: SING error logl: DOMAIN error log: DOMAIN error logf: DOMAIN error log1pllog1pl: SING error log1plog1p: SING error log1pflog1pf: SING error log1pl: DOMAIN error log1p: DOMAIN error log1pf: DOMAIN error log10llog10l: SING error log10log10: SING error log10flog10f: SING error log10l: DOMAIN error log10: DOMAIN error log10f: DOMAIN error log2log2: SING error log2flog2f: SING error log2llog2l: DOMAIN error log2: DOMAIN error log2f: DOMAIN error explexpexpfpowlpowl(0,0): DOMAIN error powpow(0,0): DOMAIN error powfpowf(0,0): DOMAIN error powl(0,negative): DOMAIN error pow(0,negative): DOMAIN error powf(0,negative): DOMAIN error powl(negative,non-integer): DOMAIN error pow(negative,non-integer): DOMAIN error powf(negative,non-integer): DOMAIN error atan2latan2l: DOMAIN error atan2atan2: DOMAIN error atan2fatan2f: DOMAIN error atan2dlatan2dl: DOMAIN error atan2datan2d: DOMAIN error atan2dfatan2df: DOMAIN error scalblscalbscalbfhypotlhypothypotfacoslacosl: DOMAIN error acosacos: DOMAIN error acosfacosf: DOMAIN error asinlasinl: DOMAIN error asinasin: DOMAIN error asinfasinf: DOMAIN error acosdlacosdl: DOMAIN error acosdacosd: DOMAIN error acosdfacosdf: DOMAIN error asindlasindl: DOMAIN error asindasind: DOMAIN error asindfasindf: DOMAIN error coshlcoshcoshfsinhlsinhsinhfacoshlacoshl: DOMAIN error acoshacoshfacoshf: DOMAIN error atanhlatanhl: DOMAIN error atanhatanh: DOMAIN error atanhfatanhf: DOMAIN error atanhl: SING error atanh: SING error atanhf: SING error gammalgammagammaflgammallgammalgammaflgammal: SING error lgamma: SING error lgammaf: SING error gammal: SING error gamma: SING error gammaf: SING error j0lj0l: TLOSS error j0j0: TLOSS error j0fj0f: TLOSS error j1lj1l: TLOSS error j1j1: TLOSS error j1fj1f: TLOSS error jnljnl: TLOSS error jnjn: TLOSS error jnfjnf: TLOSS error y0ly0l: TLOSS error y0y0: TLOSS error y0fy0f: TLOSS error y0l: DOMAIN error y0: DOMAIN error y0f: DOMAIN error y1ly1l: TLOSS error y1y1: TLOSS error y1fy1f: TLOSS error y1l: DOMAIN error y1: DOMAIN error y1f: DOMAIN error ynlynl: TLOSS error ynyn: TLOSS error ynfynf: TLOSS error ynl: DOMAIN error yn: DOMAIN error ynf: DOMAIN error fmodlfmodl: DOMAIN error fmodfmod: DOMAIN error fmodffmodf: DOMAIN error remainderlremainderl: DOMAIN error remainderremainder: DOMAIN error remainderfremainderf: DOMAIN error gm8Pp>>>(@&X'p        XzH >txPIPLAETEICCP]j2kHelvPh2&OKPh2&CancelMIB8dnikFIB8MIB8eman JPEG 2000MIB8srevMIB868xw PluginMainMIB8mtsh$2PJsllun>fnord JPEG 2000MIB8edomx@MIB8lbnein (PSHOP_ImageMode, GrayScaleMode, IndexedColorMode,RGBMode, CMYKMode, LabMode, Gray16Mode, RGB48Mode, CMYK64Mode, Lab48Mode )MIB8CTmfk2pjMIB8MIB8yTdRk2pj c2pj MIB8xEdRjp2 j2c j2k jpx jpf MIB8xErWjpx MIB8Etffjp2 j2c j2k jpx jpf MIB8ftmf<MIB8zsxmMIB8hcxmMIB8pimffnord JPEG 20004Kds fnord fnord2PJsJPEG 2000 plug-in module ^#@c tmFparent class formatMethodhtemgnolThe compression method chosenQualitylauqgnolThe quality 1-100Sizeezisgnol The size of the compressed imageAdvanceddcvaloobAdvanced option usedFormatezisgnolFile format used Custom DepthtsucloobUse a custom bit depth Bit DepthpeedgnolCustom depth to useInteger encodingrverloobUse integers (not float)YCC ccyloobTransform RGB to YCC Subsampling busgnolChrominance subsamplingOrderrdrognolEncoding orderProfileforpgnolWhich color profile to attach HLinomntrRGB XYZ  1acspMSFTIEC sRGB-HP cprtP3desclwtptbkptrXYZgXYZ,bXYZ@dmndTpdmddvuedLview$lumimeas $tech0 rTRC< gTRC< bTRC< textCopyright (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard CompanydescsRGB IEC61966-2.1sRGB IEC61966-2.1XYZ QXYZ XYZ o8XYZ bXYZ $descIEC http://www.iec.chIEC http://www.iec.chdesc.IEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - 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All Rights Reserved.descGray Gamma 2.2XYZ TXYZ curv3)An integer is required between ^1 and ^2./A decimal number is required between ^1 and ^2.AThis plug-in requires Adobe Photoshop ^1 or later functionality.CThis plug-in is incompatible with this version of the host program.(the required suite \'^0\' is unavailableJPEG 2000 Version 2.0 Release 16 Apr 2007 Copyright 2007-2007, Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. A file format module for writing JP2 files in Adobe Photoshop.JPEG 2000\n\nVersion 2.0 Release 16 Apr 2007\nCopyright 2007-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated. 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